head canon - 2014! tmnt with a goth boyfriend

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Head Canon - 2014! TMNT with a goth boyfriend

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Head Canon - 2014! TMNT with a goth boyfriend


Request- nightrunner1

Request is- " some head canons with the 2014 turtles who are dating a goth male reader. "


Leonardo 💙
- ok so like- when ever you're with leo the two of you would mainly just chill with each other.
- it's always calming when you're with leo, he makes you feel relaxed and he feels the same way.
- usually when you're together and you're in a touchy mood, you'll take our your sharpie and just start to draw on leo.
- you'd usually draw on his shell/plastron.
- most of the time you draw ninja related stuff on him, because you know he'd like that the most.
- maybe some ninja stars or a katana.
- leo loves to admire the stuff that you draw on him, it makes him feel fuzzy inside when you doodle or whatever. he also likes looking at your own tattoos.
- "what are you drawing now?" leo questions, watching as your brows are furrowed and you stick your tongue out in concentration.
- "you'll see babe- just hold still."
- whenever leo has to wash it off at some point (he usually tries to keep it on) he'll take pictures before doing so just so he can look back on.

Raphael ❤️
- okay so like, you have this certain talent that either impresses the heck outta people or scares them.
- in this case with your boyfriend, it's both lol.
- "Hey (Y/N) what's-"
- *insert terrifyingly awesome metal scream*
- "What the fuck (Y/N)."
- yeah so raph is so amazed that you're able to do these metal screams.
- he loves to sit and listen to you practice to yourself or whatever-
- he's just so shocked that you're able to scream like that??
- he'll eventually ask you to teach him how to do those death metal screams
- "babe..that's literally terrifying but awesome... teach me how to do it so i can scare the shit outta mikey."

Donatello 💜
(i don't know much about witch stuff and crystals etc so i hope i got it alright. i just tried to follow along the comment but i'm sorry if i've said something wrong here!)
- you and donnie really are a good match for each other.
- he's always interested in learning about things that you're passionate about and even tries to include himself if he can.
- you're the same with him and his science thing! you're always there to help with his experiments too.
- since donnie knows your into crystals for your shrine/temple, he's always on the lookout if he finds any for you.
- "what does this crystal mean, (Y/N)?"
- "oh, this one *insert rambling noises*
- he also does some sciency stuff and the two of you make crystals or something lol
- donnie just loves when you come over and talk about new crystals you got
- he thinks it's cute how passionate you are for certain things cuz you get this certain sparkle in your eye lolol
- he's always listening when you talk about deities too.

Michelangelo 🧡
- mikey has been wanting to teach you how to throw ninja stars for a while now.
- but you kinda already know how too anyways??
- you showed mikey your knife throwing skills once and he was so impressed and proud of you.
- you eventually showed him your knife collection.
- mikey really was interested in learning about each one of your knives.
- you'd explain where you got the knives from and talk about all the places you've been because of having to travel to get them.
- you and mikey tend to hang around a lot of sharp objects
- which probably is not a very good thing if i'm being honest
- at this point i'm just hoping nobody gets hurt because y'all are just throwing shit everywhere lmao


i hope this is what you wanted and that y'all liked it lol

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

sorry for the long wait on opening my request box. i have a lot more free time now. i didn't think so many people would ask for requests LMAO i woke up to so many comments i was like 😀 what? 😁

jk but like it might take me a while to get through most of them but i'll try to get like two requests up a day?? no promises cuz y'all know me 💕

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