she's all that - 2012! donnie x gn! reader

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She's all that - 2012! Donnie x GN! Reader

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She's all that - 2012! Donnie x GN! Reader


Request- AlexiaQuinzel

Request is- "(Y/N) is a close friend of April's- they just so happened to be with April and her father while being kidnapped by the kraang. At first Donnie's finding April attractive but eventually he starts to see how (Y/N) is such a more vibrant, quick-thinking and determined person.


Donnie had been absolutely starstruck at the red-headed beauty walking in between you and the older male. His brothers watched as the purple masked turtles eyes turned into hearts and the way his heart jumped out of his chest. "She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen.." He says dreamily, watching as April's hair flows in the wind. "She's the only girl you've ever seen?"

"Shut up! You know what I mean!"

April had invited you to come and hang out with her and her father, and you had accepted it thinking it would just be another normal, fun typical night.

Nothing prepared you for the fact that there were a bunch of men in suits who were trying to fight a bunch of man sized turtles with ninja weapons.

"Guys, come on! Let's leave now while they're fighting!" Quickly you say, pulling April to her feet, about to run away with her and Kirby although stopped when Kirby got taken by one of the men. "Dad!" April cried out, running after the man in the suit.

You sighed and ran after her, pulling her away from one of the men trying to grab her. Although you couldn't do much to stop him once he grabbed her. "Put me down! (Y/N), help!" April screams as she banged her fists against his back, desperately trying to free herself.

You looked around in a hurry for anything that could be used as a weapon- quickly on deciding to grab onto a random pipe near by, you hit the man in the back- careful to not hit your friend.

Donnie had quickly noticed your quick-thinking attempt to help your friend, and quickly rushed over to save you before the man could strike you.

"UH- (Y/N)? Dodge!" Donnie shouts, you turn to look at him and quickly drop down as he throws his staff and sends the guys flying across the street. You quickly catch April and set her down, Donnie running over to the two of you.

"You two okay?" He asks, reaching out his hands for you both to grab. Just as you're about to grab his, April begins to scream. "April, I don't think he'll hurt us! It's okay!" You try to reason, "Yeah- what they said! I promise!" Donnie joins in.

April begins to scoot away and Donnie panics, "No no no, don't worry! We're the good guys," He waves his arms around and you watch the scene unfold. "It's okay..." He says as he walks closer to the redhead as she scoots away. April stops when two of the men come over and you rush over to April, "We need to go now, O'Neil!"

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