head canon - 2012! tmnt as your older brothers

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Head Canon - 2012! TMNT as your older brothers

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Head Canon - 2012! TMNT as your older brothers


Request- ChocolatePony17

Request is- "Head canons of the 2012 boys as your older brothers. Reader is their younger sister."


- Okay so like, you're the youngest but you're still somewhat around their age.
- The boys are always looking after you, no matter what.
- Especially Raph (he has a soft spot just for you)
- Mikey loves when you pay attention to him and defend him when the boys are yelling at him :(
- Whenever you comfort him and ask if he wants to hang out with you it makes him so happy.
- "Hey Mikey! Don't worry about them for now, if you want we can go skateboarding and we can make cookies later tonight :-)"
- He starts having those little crocodile anime tears when you say that lol
- With Donnie, he loves whenever you help him out with his experiments and compliment him.
- He's just so proud that his little sister is proud of him I guess?
- "Donnie, that's so cool! You're awesome!!"
- You have no idea how much your words mean to him. He sometimes feels like the others don't appreciate him and his work and enough and whenever you're there to encourage him it makes him so happy.
- Leo appreciates the fact that you actually listen to him whenever he's trying to give out orders on patrol or for missions. He knows he doesn't have to look after you much if you're actually on board with his plan but he still does.
- "Okay guys, we need to wait a bit longer-"
- "I'm not waiting anymore!" Raph cuts him off as he runs off. Donnie and Mikey shrug to each other and follow behind after him.
- "What we're you saying, Leo?" You asked.
- Yeah- that just makes him feel less stressed out. Especially because he's so comfortable venting to you.
- For Raph, even from a young age he's always felt this need to look after you.
- Even if you're all safe in the lair, he peeps his head where ever you're at just to make sure nothings wrong.
- He feels like it's his job as the older brother to make sure nothing happens to you and that you can look up to him.
- He goes to you when he needs to rant about everything and everyone.
- "That was so cool Raph! Nice job!"
- Yeah that makes him so happy y'all have no idea lol. He gets those anime sparkles around him whenever you say stuff like that.
- The brothers overall are super protective over you and love you so much.
- They always make time for you and you're so lucky to have such awesome brothers.
- Sure some of them can be kinda gross, especially Mikey, but u still love them.
- If you guys were all humans or whatever, if you ever got bullied at school or cheated on or whatever,, I feel like they're the type of brothers to go and beat up whoever messed with you. 
- "Omg I heard (person who messed with you) just got beat up by a group of guys!" You exclaim, reading a text off your phone.
- The brothers: "Damn that's crazy 🧍🧍🧍🧍😀😁"
- Anyways you're literally so lucky. I wish they were my older brothers so bad 💔🧍‍♀️


requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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