my best boy - rise! leo x cold! reader

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My Best Boy - Rise! Leo x Cold! Reader

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My Best Boy - Rise! Leo x Cold! Reader


Request- None!

I had the idea to write about Leo trying super hard to get with this reader who a bit cold and kind of angry personality, Leo with his loud and cocky self does things to try and get the reader to like him and he isn't sure that his attempts are working. Little does he know, the reader actually likes him back.


"Oh come on, (Y/N), you gotta admit that I looked SO cool.

You stared at the Blue masked turtle before rolling your eyes. "Leo, you flew off your skateboard and fell down a flight of stairs. I don't know how you didn't break a bone."

"But I looked cool doing it."

You slapped your forehead with a groan.


You, April and the four turtle brothers sat on your rooftop hanging out. Leo popped up right next to you and decided to use a couple pickup lines.

He literally held out a stack of notecards and began to read off of one of them.

"The word of the day is 'Legs', let's go back to my place and spread the word- Oh shoot I didn't mean to read that one." Leo picked out another card while you glared at him.

"I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U?" Leo smirked.

"I think you have dyslexia." You replied, and watched as he picked out another card.

"If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?"

You and Leo stared at each other until he finally realized what he said. "UH, WRONG ONE. SORRY."

"Is that the sun coming up? Or is that just you lighting up my world?" Leo tried for the last time, and you quickly turned away to hide the blush on your face. Leo took your reaction the wrong way, thinking you hated it. He frowned and walked away.


"Hey! Hey! (Y/N)! Check this out!" You looked over to see Leo waving like a lunatic at you from the top of the skateboard ramp in his house.

Leo did some cool tricks and when he was done, he turned to see your reaction but when you didn't give him the reaction he wanted, only a quick 'Cool.' He sighed and walked off to his room.


You woke up and decided to open your window for some fresh air. When you walked over you could see an envelope with a rose resting against the window.

You opened the window and grabbed it. You looked around to see if anyone was watching you. Shaking your head, you looked at envelope and opened it.

" Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
... I'm not sure what to write
But you're my best girl,
can I be your best boy?"

Your cheeks flared up, you instantly knew that it was Leo who wrote this. You put the card down by the window and walked off.

Leo slumped his shoulders in defeat as he watched you walk off. He jumped away from your apartment and went back to his home.

Five minutes later, you came back from whatever you had to do and went to the window. Picking up the card and rose, you giggled to yourself and placed it on your desk.


You had decided to go down to the lair later that day. You hung out with Raph and Mikey, usually Leo would be here with you guys playing video games but he wasn't. Surprisingly Donnie was, and most times he'd usually be too busy in his lab.

You looked over at Mikey, "Hey Mikey."


"Where's Leo? He's always here."

Mikey doesn't know what to say. You could see Donnie and Raph awkwardly look away. "What's the matter? Where's Leo?"

Raph speaks up, "Um, I think you should probably talk to him. He came home earlier looking depressed. We couldn't do anything to help him so maybe you can? You know (Y/N), Leo really likes you a lot."

You stare at Raph, repeating the last thing he said over and over again in your head. You stood up and walked to Leonardo's room. Knocking on the wall, you could hear Leo tell you to come in.

"Hey Leon. What's got you down?"

He jumps from his bed and looks at you shocked. "(Y/N)? Why are you here?"

You ignore him. "What's wrong? Normally you would be out here playing video games with us."

"Why does it bother you so much? You obviously don't like me." Leo crosses his arms and gets up from his bed.

Your heart shatters into a million pieces, 'Oh jeez..'

"Leo, I like you. Why would you think I didn't?" You follow Leo out of his room and you both end up in the kitchen.

Leonardo looks at you without saying anything. "Right, okay, I get it, I'm a bit cold but that doesn't mean I don't like you. I-I'm just not good with showing my emotions to people I like."

"You show your emotions with Raph, Mikey, Donnie, April, and even the mailman! You like them, and you say you like me. So what makes me different if you like them?" Leo leans against the counter, looking down.

" don't understand. When I say like, I mean LIKE LIKE. Like in a different, special way. The way I can only like one person." You awkwardly wipe your sweaty palms against your jeans and Leo watches.

"Oh..then that means-"

"Look, Leo, I know I always come off rude and stuff but I'm just not sure about this stuff, I'm not used to it and it's kinda embarrassing. Y-You like me right? You're the one who left the letter for me?"

Leo doesn't reply, instead he grabs you and picks you up. "Yeah, I left the letter. All right, awesome! Now that we got this awkward stuff outta the'll be my partner then?"

"Of course, you're my best boy after all."


i luv leo 🥺💗

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