out of this world - 2012!donnie x reader

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Out of this world - Donnie x Reader

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Out of this world - Donnie x Reader


Request: Totally_Weird

"Reader is from our dimension and appears in the show on the first episode and gets kidnapped with April."


Sitting on your bed, you turn on your laptop and begin to browse for shows to watch. You scroll a bit more and see 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'.

"I haven't watched this in awhile." You smile before turning on the first episode. While watching, you can't help but feel fuzzy over Donnie. Yes, he was a cartoon mutant turtle- but you always had liked him when you were younger. You clearly remember having a Donatello action figure and you were pretty sure you still had it if you looked in your attic.

You watch for some time, without realizing a purple light shines from behind you. You hear a loud noise from behind and you turn around, your eyes widening.

"A portal?"

You slam your laptop and jump off the bed, away from the opened portal. You see two figures emerge from the portal and your eyes widen. "The Kraang? How is this even possible?!"

You grab your baseball bat that lied next to your bed, you swing and you successfully hit one of the bots in the leg, causing him to drop a walkie talkie of some sort. You pick it up but that doesn't stop either of them from coming closer.

You didn't want to scream for your parents, I mean, these were the Kraang after all. What were they gonna do? Were they gonna go full on Master Splinter mode on them? Nope. The bots grabbed you and threw you into the portal.

On the other side, you fall out of the portal and scream. You land onto the roof of a building, and quickly get up once you see the two bots walk out. You quickly run to the ledge of the building and look down. You see the turtles and April. "It's like the first episode.."

One of the kraang bots grab you from behind and you thrash around, you manage to get out of his grasp and you snatched the same exact device that you had stole from the other bot. This makes the robot angry, and before he can whip out one of his guns you decide to make a stupid move.

You quickly jump off the building, hoping one of the turtles catches you before you could fall to your death.

You shut your eyes and was ready to hit the ground, but that never happened. You opened your eyes and gasped.

"D-Donatello?!" Saying his name surprises him, making the turtle accidentally drop you and you land on the ground. You look next to you and see April, who instantly clutches onto you.

Too busy looking at April, Donnie gets heart eyes just from looking at you. "Pretty..." He mumbles before snapping out of it.

"W-We gotta get away from these things..!" Her voice trembling makes you sad for the girl but you try to reassure her that you think things are going to be okay.

"I'm not gonna hurt you guys!" Donnie smiles, which makes you smile. He reaches out for you both to grab his hands. You instantly grab it but April isn't too sure. Mikey comes by and accidentally knocks Donnie in the head, making him let go of you.

Suddenly a Kraang bot kicks Donnie, causing him and Mikey to be thrown into trash cans.

You and April get picked up by bots and you scream out, "Donnie!"

This makes him look up and run over to you both. You quickly throw one of the devices you stole from the Kraang to Donnie and he catches it. The kraang slam the van door in your face and speed off.


You sit in a cell by yourself, the cell next to you has Kirby and April in it. You groan and wipe your eyes, exhausted. 'Why me of all people?'

The device you managed to hide down in your shirt begins to make some sort of static noise.

You quickly pull it out of your shirt and look at it. You press one of the buttons at the top and you sigh in relief. "H-Hello? Is anyone there?" Donnie asks.

"Yeah! I'm here!"

You hear donnie let out a sigh of relief, "U-Uh are you okay, miss...?"


You hear Donnie whisper to who you guessed were his brothers. "You don't need to worry, (Y/N). Me and my brothers are going to rescue you and the other two. I'm not sure what their names are, do you know?"

"It's Kirby and April." You reply.

"Right, well, sit tight!" Donnie says, confidence laced in his voice which makes you smile, feeling more at ease.

"Of course."


I hope this request didn't suck, sorry if it wasn't up to your liking I tried.. :P I wasn't sure where to end the oneshot.. Part 2 where reader gets rescued?? Also sorry for taking so long to post this!

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