dancer - 2012! turtles x fem! dancer! reader

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Dancer - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Dancer! Reader

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Dancer - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Dancer! Reader


Request- -FluffyAngieDust_

Request is- "When (Y/N) needs to practice for her dance performance at school, the turtles let her practice at their lair. When the turtles decide to take a peek and watch, their surprised at her talent."


The excitement you felt was indescribable, being given the opportunity to create a dance for an important school event. It was stressful, but nonetheless you were excited.

One particular day when you couldn't practice due to how small your apartment was, you had asked the turtles if you could practice at their dojo.

Of course they were fine with it, you were friends. By the time you got to the lair they were already out on their nightly patrols.

Stepping into the empty dojo, you opened up your music app and pressed play. You began to move yourself to the rhythm, trying out different steps and moves.

'Maybe if I take a step this way- Nope, Nope, Nope.'

You stopped the music and began to think. "Maybe I should turn around this part.." You mumbled.

Sighing, you turned the music on and got to work. 'I'm gonna be here for a while..'


Two hours later, Leo had finally agreed to call it a night and head back to the lair. "Alright, things look good out here, let's head back to the lair!"

The other three sighed in relief, "FINALLY!"

Leonardo rolls his eyes, shoving his katanas away he runs off.

"I wanna see if (Y/N)'s still at the lair practicing! I haven't gotten to see her in YEARS!" Mikey whines. Donnie rolls his eyes, "You saw her like- three days ago?"

"That's still to long." Mikey rolls his eyes in return, rushing into the lair. "Do you hear that music?" Raph asks the others, they nod in return and look over to the dojo.

They share a knowing glance and creep over to the entrance. Leo opens the door slightly and the brothers sneakily watch you as you practice your routine.

You couldn't even sense the boys, you were too lost in the music and your movements. Stepping into place, you took one final turn and finished. The music stopped and you took a breath, "Okay- that's enough for tonight.." You mutter out tiredly, taking a sip of water.

"YOU LOOKED SO COOL, (Y/N)!" Mikey exclaims, jumping onto you.

You managed to step out of the way, your cheeks flushed even darker, "You were watching me?!"

"D-Don't worry, we only got to see a little bit of it around the end!" Leo reassures. Donnie nods, "But your dancing was really nice! You managed to come up with that in just two hours?" Raph silently nods in agreement.

You nod, "Yeah, thank you.."

Mikey hops back up, "Teach me the dance, (Y/N)! It looks so fun!"

You sigh, "Okay, fine. Just stop giving me your puppy dog eyes!"


i hoped you liked thisss :-)

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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