the doc is here - 2012! mikey x male! reader

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The Doc is here - 2012! Mikey x Male! Reader

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The Doc is here - 2012! Mikey x Male! Reader


Request- Sophie_FrickOff

Request is- "(Y/N) breaks his leg and needs someone to help take care of him, but his parents are out of state. He doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want anyone to worry for him. When Mikey tries to hang with (Y/N) and you say you can't, Mikey gets jealous and assumes you're with someone else.


Lying on your couch, you sighed. Your parents were away and you were all by yourself.

The doctor had advised you to have someone helping you around the house, but nobody was here. You didn't wanna call anyone and bother them, so you stayed put.

You stared at the cast on your leg and rubbed your temples. You turned your head around and stared longingly into the kitchen. "Damn."

Somewhere underground, Mikey watches TV with a bored expression. He picks up his phone and scrolls to your contact.

Mikey 🧡

Heyyy (Y/N)

Do u wanna hang??

Your phone buzzed and you opened up your messages.


Sorry, Mikey :( i'm busy rn

Mikey 🧡

that's finee

Mikey frowns, obviously it wasn't fine, but he wasn't going to say anything. It's been a while since he last saw you, too. Mikey's mind begins to wander all of the place and he comes to a final thought.


He quickly stood and rushed out of the lair, 'I've gotta check!' He jealously thought, running through the dark sewers he climbed through a manhole and rushed to your place.

Reaching your place, he quietly peeks through the window and looks over to you. His eyes land on the couch and he gasps lightly, "He's got a cast thingy on his leg. What should I do?" He whispers to himself.

He pulls out his phone and dials Donnie, "D! I need you help with something super quickly."


Some time later, you hear a tap on your window and you glance over. "Mikey?"

You motion for him to come in and he does. He closes the window behind him and rushes over to you. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You frown, "Not really, my leg is broken. Sorry I told you I was busy, I didn't wanna worry you babe."

Mikey shakes his head, "You're never a bother for me! Of course I'll worry for you, no matter what. But don't worry, Dr. Mikey's here now, and I'll take care of you!"

You raise a brow, "You know what to do?"

Mikey shrugs, "I dunno, kinda just called Donnie and asked him what to do." He goes into the kitchen and grabs random snacks, he comes back over and sits next to you.

You grab the remote and put on a random action movie, "Thanks, Mikey." You lean in closer to him and he smiles, doing the same. "Anytime, (Y/N)."

You suddenly spoke, "Hey, why'd you come down here when I lied to you and said I was busy?" You questioned your boyfriend, who instantly became a nervous wreck.

"Whaaa? I dunno what you're talking about. I definitely wasn't worried you were with someone else and I also definitely wasn't jealous." He forcefully smiled, sweat dripping down his forehead anxiously.

You chuckled, deciding to go along with it, "Ah, okay. You're just really smart and realized I was hurt. You're always so amazing, Mikey."

He chuckled nervously, "Yep, that's true!"


hope you enjoyed reading this

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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