look my way - rise! leo x fem! reader

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Look my way - Rise! Leo x Fem! Reader

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Look my way - Rise! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- EmRose922

Request is- "Leo is always trying to impress you, but every time he does you look away in the moment. One day you finally realize just what Leo has been trying to do."


"Yo, I'm about to do a sick move!" Leo calls out, sparing a glance at you from the side. You look up from your phone and smile at the boy.

His heart quickly jumps and he smiles, pulling out his skateboard and beginning to perform his trick.

As soon as he begins your phone vibrates and you look down, 'Ah, it's April.' You thought, opening her message and replying.

As soon as Leo finished he looked over to you with a smirk, "How was tha-"

Noticing you replying to your message, he frowns lightly, "Ah."


That's how it's been going on for some time now. The others have eventually starting to notice their brothers behavior and watched him.

"Hey, check this out (Y/N)!"

"Coming, Leo!"

Raphael watches from the side, a small frown worn on his usual happy face. He felt bad for his brother but he knew that it wasn't your fault for having to look away. There was always someone, or something, to take your eyes away from him.

He watched as you turned away to the sound of your phone buzzing and Leo's sigh of disappointment.

"Leo.." Raph sighed.

That's when he decided that enough was enough, he was going to make you watch Leo no matter what it took.

"Yo, Leo! Let's skate." Raph suggested with a smirk. Leo raised a brow but shrugged it off with a smirk, "Alright, you're on!"

Their words caused you to turn around and move closer, putting your phone on silent mode as you watched the two.

Leo could see you out of the corner of his eye and his smirk widened in thought.

As the two brothers began to compete against each other, you'd cheer for Leo and Mikey, who appeared out of nowhere began to cheer for Raph.

"Go Leo!" You laughed, watching him soar high then falling back down perfectly. Leo's smirk only grew wider.

As he kept going, you'd notice him passing you glances, even when you weren't cheering for him.

That's when it suddenly clicked in your head and sighed, 'I get it now.'

Once the matched finished Leo came over to you, "So.."

You smile and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "You don't need to do crazy things to impress me and to get my attention, you always had it."

You walk off, a small smile on your face as he only stands there in shock, "Sweet..." He suddenly comes back to his senses and runs after you, "Wait for me, (Y/N)!"


hope you enjoyed this :]

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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