headcanon - how the rise tmnt are as boyfriends

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Headcanon - How the Rise TMNT are as boyfriends

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Headcanon - How the Rise TMNT are as boyfriends


Request- None!


Raph ❤️

- Always wants to hug you.
- He always carries you on his shoulder because of how much smaller you are compared to him.
- Although he's a bit overprotective, you still find it cute sometimes.
- "Raph- I'll be fine. It's just a ten minute walk home."
- "Nope. I'll walk you home babe."
- He loves it when you give him nicknames, he gets soo excited.
- He loves to give you nicknames too!
- You always scratch his shell and in return, he tries his best to play with your hair but it's difficult sometimes.
- When you're upset, he's always there as your personal teddy bear.

Leo 💙

- You love him for doing it tho.
- Loves to kiss you.
- You and him always goof around at the park or on a rooftop.
- Always wants to be with you.
- One time he literally showed up outside your school.
- You looked out your classroom window to see Leo sitting in a tree blowing kisses to you.
- "WHAT?!" You fall out of your chair, causing the class to all stare at you. April helps you up and when you look back outside he's gone.
- Usually he likes to be the more dominant in the relationship but he MELTS when you flirt with him.
- He always portals to you.

Donnie 💜

- Always builds you machines.
- He might seem sassy and the big spoon, but in most cases when you're alone with him he loves to be the little spoon.
- When he's building you often annoy him.
- "Alright, I guess I'll hang with Leo or something." You shrug your shoulders and get ready to leave.
- "NO!" Donnie jumps from his chair. "I-I mean..stay with me."
- You hug him after even he's embarrassed for his jealously.
- Can be pretty flirtatious and knows how to lift a girl off her feet.
- He helps you with schoolwork
- You somehow convinced him to help you cheat during a test, as you both had communication devices on you and the fact that he stole and copied the test answers.
- He said he'd never do it again, but you made it up to him and he stopped complaining.

Mikey 🧡

- Hugs!!
- Drawing you all the time
- Always happy to see you.
- When you're in a bad mood, he's always here for you.
- Always encourages you to follow your dreams.
- You two always teased for being the youngest and being soo cute.
- Surprising, you found out that Mikey actually rubs it in his brothers faces that he's the youngest and got a girl before any of them.
- "Hey guys!" You say as you walk into the lair. "Where's Mike-"
- You can't even finish what you're going to ask because Mikey rushes to give you a bear hug. "(Y/N)!"
- Nicknames all the time

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