not a burden - 2012! raph x sweet! fem! reader

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Not a burden - 2012! Raph x Sweet! Fem! Reader

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Not a burden - 2012! Raph x Sweet! Fem! Reader


Request- Jesus-can-see-you

Request is- "The reader has always been such a sweet, kind and happy girl. But, she's been extremely stressed and sad from school and family problems. She keeps smiling because she doesn't want to worry her friends, but Raph is the only one who seems to notice."


The school bell rings, indicating that you were able to finally go home. 'It's about time that it's over..I can go home now.'

You're walking with your friend April back to your own houses, discussing about the grades you had received on your math test.

"I got a A+! What about you, (Y/N)?" April asks.

You smile, "Oh, I just got a D-. It's alright though! I'll study harder on the next one!" You exclaim, hiding your frustration.

April sadly smiles, "I'm sure! And I'm here to help whenever you need it."

You parted ways with April when you finally reached your place. Stepping in, you were immediately greeted by your mother. "Show me your results, (Y/N)." She demanded.

You sadly pulled out your results from your bag, looking away in shame. "Sorry, I'm just-"

Your mother handed you the paper, "Just go to your room." She sighed in frustration and walked back to the kitchen. You clenched the paper and stormed off to your room. A frown visible on your usual smiling face.

Recently you've been super stressed out and not your usual self. School and your family have been seriously messing with you and you've been faking your smile around your friends. You thought you had fooled everyone, but there was one turtle who saw right through you. 

Of course Raphael noticed, he was always glancing at you when ever you were there and always looked out for you. Raph wasn't entirely sure what to do or say to help you out, but he had to think of something.


Later in the afternoon, you, April and Casey met up with the other boys at their lair. Casey and Raph went off to do their own thing, Donnie and April in the lab, Splinter and Leo training and you decided to keep Mikey company.

"You're always so nice, (Y/N)!" Mikey smiled, sitting around with you on the couch while the two of you talked.

You pulled a forced smile, "Thanks, Mikey.."

While the orange-masked turtle turned away for a second to grab Icecream Kitty and put her in a cooler, Raph turned away from the game he was playing with Casey to look over at you.

He noticed the frown on your face and your tired eyes. He watched as Mikey walked back in and your frown instantly went away, your whole vibe changing.

That was when Raph decided that he would talk to you today. He was starting to grow even more worried and wanted to help.

About an hour later, you decided to head off home. Casey and April chose to stay back for a little while longer. You said goodbye and made your way out of the lair.

"Yo, (Y/N)! Wait up a sec," Raph ran up to you. "I'll walk you home, it's late now." The turtle offered.

"O-Oh no, it's okay, you don't have-" You tried to decline but Raph wouldn't budge. "Nope, I'll take you home."


As you make it out of the sewers and to the surface, Raph picks you up unexpectedly and begins to run on the rooftops. You stay silent as you watch the scenery of your city.

The stars were visible that night and your eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Raphael noticed that, too.

When the two of you reached your home, he set you down on your small patio and you unlocked the window. "Thanks, Raph." You smile at the turtle, and he gives you a small smile back.

As you hurry to make it into your room, Raph quickly stops you. "I've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. What's up with you?"

Your back is facing him and you squeeze the lock on your window. You quickly throw a smile on and turn to face him. "What do you mean? I'm fine!" You try to convince him, but he crosses his arms.

"(Y/N), you're lying. I'm worried for you..." He says while rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

You finally let your smile drop. "Yeah, I've just been stressed out lately from school and my family have just been so..?!" You groan in frustration and Raph smirks, "I get it, family can really get on your nerves. I can do much to help you with school but if you ever need a break just come on down to the lair. I'm always there if you wanna hang."

Raph frowns, "Why didn't you come talk to anyone of us?"

You let out a sigh, "I'm sorry, I guess I just didn't want to be a burden. That's why I kept smiling, everyone knows me as the positive one so I felt like I didn't deserve to feel this way...but I guess I ended up being a burden like I always do."

"You're never and never will be a burden to us, (Y/N). Especially to me."

You blush lightly, "Thank you, Raph.."

You quickly hug him and he hugs back. Raphael blushes as he pats your back, "Anytime, (Y/N)."


hope you enjoyed !! 💗💗💗

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