eyes on you - 2012! raph x gn! reader

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Eyes On You - 2012! Raph x GN! Reader

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Eyes On You - 2012! Raph x GN! Reader


Request- Novatheyuii

Request is- "The reader gets hurt during a fight while everyone retreats, not realizing they left the reader behind, Raph goes back to save them."


You didn't think you and the others would get cornered this easily by a bunch of krang bots, you had expected to be in and out just like that but the universe had other plans.

"I need to hurry and get this to the lab, we've gotta leave now!" Donnie shouts, smashing one of the bots.

Mikey swings his nunchucks around, "Yeah dudes, let's bail!"

As you kicked one of the bots away from you, a sudden attack came from behind and you were electrocuted. "Shit!" You cried out, falling to the ground."

"Let's go team! Through this vent!" Leo raises his sword, pointing above. The others nods and everyone hurried to the exit.

One of the krang bots grab you, you begin thrashing around in a desperate attempt to leave with the others but it was already too late once everyone had finally escaped.

"WAIT! RAPH-" You shouted, but was silenced with another stab of electricity. You fell to the ground in pain, the electricity coursing through your veins painfully.

"I'm glad we're outta there.." April comments, adjusting her now messy pony tail.

"Yeah, good work team, let's head back to the lair." Leo shoves his swords away and begins to head off.

Raph looks around in confusion, "(Y/N)? Where are you?"

The others turn around to look around for you, "Where'd (Y/N) go? I thought they escaped with us." Casey says, scratching his head in confusion.

Raph begins to run off, "I'LL MEET BACK WITH YOU GUYS LATER!" He yells, throwing himself back into the exit in a hurry.

'I can't believe I left (Y/N) back there!' Raph mentally scolds himself, his teeth are gritted in frustration and he begins to grow anxious.

He busts down the vent and watches in shock as you tried to fight off the swarm of krang bots. "(Y/N)!" He calls out to you.

Glancing above, you let out a sigh of relief when you see him. "Raph! Help me out!"

It was still hard for you to move, at this point the most you could do was try and throw pathetic punches their way in an attempt to protect yourself.

Raph takes out his weapons and jumps down, crashing onto some bots he begins to stab them. "I'm sorry for leaving you, (Y/N)! Are you alright?!"

You nod, "I am now! Let's just try and escape now, leave them!"

Raph rushes over to you and grabs onto your hand, the two of you rushing over to the escape point and climbing through quickly.

Once finally out, the both of you catch your breath on a rooftop, "I'm glad you came back for me, Raph."

He glances over to you, guilt in his eyes. He grabs onto your shoulders, "I promise I'll keep a better eye out of you, (Y/N). No matter what, I'll keep ya safe."


i hoped you liked thisss :-)

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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