the "accident" - 2012! donnie x male! undead! reader

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The "Accident" - 2012! Donnie x Male! Undead! Reader

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The "Accident" - 2012! Donnie x Male! Undead! Reader


Request- yourapeasant

Request is- "Donnie decides to play god and tries to bring his boyfriend, (Y/N), back to life."


He's just been sitting in there. He'd rarely ever come out and barely talked to his family or friends. Donnie had been working himself to death on a new project, and wouldn't tell anyone what it was. He was driving himself crazy over it.

"Donnie's worrying me, he's been in there for days.." Leonardo sighs, glancing at the lab's doors from the couch. Raphael flicks through a comic book, choosing not to reply.

Mikey plops down next to Leonardo, "I mean- I'm upset too, but it's different for Donnie..I get why he's upset, his boyfriend d-"

"Just leave him be. He just needs some time." Raphael finally joins in on the conversation. He sets the comic aside and gets up, deciding to occupy himself with his punching bag.

Leo takes one last glance at the doors before turning back around, turning on the TV and watching his show.


Back in the lab, Donnie occupies himself by mixing various chemicals and plugging in various wires.

He had stolen some machinery from the Kraang, and decided he was going to do something practically impossible.

He couldn't take it anymore. Your death, it was killing him and no matter what he did, all he saw was your face.

He couldn't get you out of his head. Not even for one second. He remembers your death so vividly, you jumping in the way and saving him. Your limbs had practically been removed from your body, and when Donnie collected your remains he dragged them into his lab.

He thought he could just keep you there for a little bit, until you could have your own grave and been buried properly. But Donnie had a new plan, one he never thought he'd ever even attempt.

"Now maybe it'll be better if I just plug this one in here.." He mumbles, shoving in a plug into a random socket. That had obviously done the trick, he shoves his goggles on as the machine begins to glow brightly.

He carries your body and places you onto the table. Your body covered in scars and stitches. Donnie had reattached your limbs back together on the night of " the accident. "

He had been spending time working on his newest invention, to bring you back to life.

To him.

"It's finally done.." He mumbles, eyes wide as he looks down at your cold body. "Please, work.."

He turns on switches, electricity powering up over you. Donnie mixes various chemicals as he pours them onto your skin, the machine grows stronger and louder.

The lair begins to shake, electricity beaming out of the top of the machine and onto your body. His brothers bang on the door but he ignores it, too focused on the task at hand.

After a while, the machine had finally gave out and stopped producing electricity. Donnie picks up your arm, he squeezes onto it lightly before dropping it back down.

"I'm fine, don't come in guys." Donnie calls out, taking a seat on his chair. He stares at your body blankly, his eyes dull as he lets out a disappointing sigh.

"Of course it wouldn't work," He slaps his forehead, "I'm so stupid!" He bangs his fist on his bench, knocking over the items on it.

He turns away, deciding to occupy himself with something different. He would move you later, he couldn't bring himself to do it now.


Donnie quickly snaps his head around to the sound. He glances around the lab, his eyes landing on your still body. He frowns before turning back around to continue reading his tests.

Another thump, louder this time, causes him to turn around again.

"(Y/N)..?" His eyes widen in disbelief, watching as your arm raises into the air and falls back down. He quickly rushes over, lightly shaking you.

Snapping your eyes open, you make eye contact with Donnie. Everything about you seemed off, and very different. Your eyes were dull, they weren't the usual eyes that Donnie had spent ages looking into.

They were yours, sure. But, they were so cold. But, Donnie could still feel himself getting lost in those dull, lifeless (E/C) eyes all over again.

" (Y/N)... " He mumbles, placing a hand on your cheek as he caresses it lovingly.

" D-Don..nie... "


hope this was what you wanted and enjoyed!

i tried to watch a bit of that show to get an idea of what to do 😅 hope i did it alright

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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