my type - 2012! leo x male! reader

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My type - 2012! Leo x Male! Reader

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My type - 2012! Leo x Male! Reader


Request- PastelColoredZarkon

Request is Leo x Bad boy reader, where he takes leo on a ride on his motorcycle to go to a date on his rooftop.


"Woah." Leo mumbles as he stares at his boyfriend, (Y/N). Dressed in leather and from head to toe black. "Hey Leo, ready to go?" You smirk at his reaction as you lean on your motorcycle.

"I-" He shuts his mouth and nods quickly. You laugh at his reaction and motion for him to get on behind you.

Handing him a spare helmet, you drive off. Leo tightens his grip around your waist and sinks his weight lightly on you. Smiling, you speed up a bit more and chuckle at the 'Woah' your turtle boyfriend says.

After a good ten minutes, You park at the side of your apartment and go to the rooftop.

Leo and you sit, leaning against something. You sling your arm over his shoulder and he melts into your touch.

"How's fighting the krang been, babe?"

Leo sighs, "Stressful, especially when my brothers won't follow orders. Like jeez- sorry for trying to not get you guys killed." Leo groans.

You frown, "I'm sorry babe. I hope tonight I can take away that stress with this date."

Leo smiles and nods. "When ever I'm with you, I always feel better."


You and Leo sit in silence for a couple of minutes until you broke it. "Wanna eat pizza now?"


The two of you eat a couple of slices and you tell Leonardo that he can bring the leftovers to his brothers. He thanks you and the two of you talk.

"I mean- you fighting space aliens and fighting mutant monsters- that's so cool?? Man your life is awesome." You ramble, showing a bit of your soft side causes Leo to laugh. You blush in embarrassment and put your bad boy face back on. "I mean, I guess it's kinda rad."

Leo nods, "And you and your leather and motorcycle- supeeer cool."

Your confidence flies up and you smirk. "Heh, I guess." You say as your cross your arms.

It's quiet for a minute before Leo speaks up. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

You open one eye and look at him with your eyebrows furrowed. "For?"

"Tonight. Being with you really makes me feel better."

You smile, "Anything for ya, babe. Lemme drive you back to a closer manhole."

You stand up and extend your arm down for Leo to grab. You pull him up and wrap your arm around him as you walk back down to your bike.

Once you drop him off back to the man whole you picked him up from, you smirk as you drive off. "See ya, babe~."

Leo blushes as you drive off. His eyes widen in realization, 'Yep. Raph was right, I've definitely got a type.'


hope you enjoyed! 🥰💗

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