good accidents - rise! turtles x gn! reader

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Good Accidents - Rise! Turtles x GN! Reader

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Good Accidents - Rise! Turtles x GN! Reader


Request- mgmendez2305

Request is- "When the turtles and (Y/N) decide to have a sleepover in the lair, but at one moment the reader accidentally tells the boys that they love them."


"Please don't put on a horror!"

"This movie isn't even that scary!"

"Last time he watched it he needed someone to stand outside the bathroom while he went at night."

You stand up, "It's okay, Mikey! We can just watch something else." You reassure the boy, shooting him a comforting smile.

He returns it, grateful for your stepping in.

Leo sighs, "I guess we can just watch a Disney movie.."

After finally deciding the movie, the five of you sat together as you watched. You reached your hand into the bowl of popcorn and accidentally made awkward contact with Raph.

"S-Sorry.." He whispered. "It's fine.." You replied back, moving your hand away.

Eventually throughout the movie you had moved closer into Leo's side as you watched the sappy Disney love story unfold.

"Bro..this movie isn't even that good." Leo whispered, leaning his head closer to yours. You shyly backed away just a tad bit, "It isn't that bad, Leo."

He shrugged his shoulders, then he let out the fakest sounding yawn. He draped his arm over your shoulder and you smiled, "Classic Leo move, huh?"

He smirked, "You know it."

"Leo, their love story is romantic!" Mikey shouted to his brother. Leo rolls his eyes and shrugs.

"I have to agree with Leo on this one.." Donnie flinched, "I don't like their relationship, it makes no sense to me."

Raph added himself in, "Come on, guys! She loves him and he loves her! They're in love, isn't that sweet?"

"Gross!" Leo teased.

Mikey turned to look over at you, "What do you think, (Y/N)?"

You thought for a moment, "Although it's a bit awkward, I can feel her love for him I guess. I understand her feelings too, cause I love you guys as well."

You shrugged nonchalantly, until your eyes bulged open in surprise. "I didn't mean to say that.." You winced.

"Are you actually serious?" Leonardo questioned, fully surprised. You were still for a second before nodding slowly.

Mikey jumped up and sat closer to you, "We love you too, (Y/N)!!"

Raph nodded in agreement, pulling an awkward Donnie closer in. Mikey tried to wrap his arms around you and the rest of his brothers so you followed, the five of you held on tightly with each other.

"Why are you people always hugging? Seriously.."

The five of you glanced up to Splinter, who was probably on his way to the bathroom. You each slowly pulled away from each other as he wobbled down the hall.

"So...anyone wanna play video games?"


i am so sorry for such a long wait! 😅

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