overprotective? more like overly annoying - rise! donnie x child! sister! reader

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Overprotective? More like overly annoying - Rise! Donnie x Child! Sister! Reader

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Overprotective? More like overly annoying - Rise! Donnie x Child! Sister! Reader


Request- ghostgirl81

Request is- "(Y/N) was adopted by Splinter and is now apart of the family. Donnie is overprotective over her after she gets injured while lost in the sewers because she snuck out.


"(Y/N), be careful up there!"

"(Y/N), please don't walk around there!"

"(Y/N), watch out!"

That's all you heard for the past two weeks since you tried to sneak out of the lair. On that night a two weeks ago, you had accidentally injured yourself while sneaking out of the lair and Donnie had become seriously overprotective over you.

Your injury wasn't even that bad. Sure, you had to get bandages but you were perfectly fine now. It was starting to not only annoy you, but the others too.

Every single day there would be something that you'd do that would make Donnie worry like crazy. Even if it was the simplest of things.

You could try and plug in a cord to charge something and Donnie would make you give it to him so he could plug in. Or, you would climb onto the counter just to reach something on a higher shelf.

It was all these little, simple things that made Donnie crazy. He couldn't stand the thought of you somehow injuring yourself around the lair.

You were only nine years old, how badly could you hurt yourself doing the smallest of tasks? At some point Donnie didn't even let you use the toaster without him being around.

"I know how to use a toaster, Donnie.." You whined, tapping your foot onto the floor in slight anger.

Donnie shook his head, crossing his arms sternly, "But you could hurt yourself!"

April leaned against the counter and watched the scene unfold, "Seriously, D. Just let the little lady do her own thing."

Donnie looked over to the girl and rolled his eyes, "April, I need to make sure she doesn't hurt herself!"

You stomped your foot onto the ground, "But you've been doing this for ages now!"

April nods, "Come on Donnie, this overprotectiveness has got to stop! Even the guys agree."

Donnie shook his head, "I'm just trying to look after her." He pulled your toast out of the toaster and began to butter your bread. "I can put the butter on myself.."

"I don't want you to use a knife." He replies.

"It's not even that sharp, though." You crossed your arms.

"It's still a knife."

"I can just use a spoon to spread it then!" You shot back. Donnie hands you the toast on a paper plate and you clench your teeth.


You chose to ignore him for the rest of the day at that point. He'd always come over just to make sure nothing was wrong every thirty minutes and you couldn't hide anywhere.

You couldn't even leave the lair, Donnie would've been notified if you even stepped foot near the exit which resulted in you being trapped down here.

That's when you decided that enough was enough. When the others went to bed, you slowly crept out of your room and sneakily made your way out the lair.

As soon as you stepped foot out of 'The Donnie Safe Zone', Donnie's phone ringed and and quickly put down his tools to glance at the notification.

"She left The Donnie Safe Zone?!" He gasped in horror, taking off his protective helmet and shoving it over to the side, rushing out of the lab and following you on his map.

"(Y/N) STOP!" Donnie shouts, you turn your head to look back at him and your eyes widen, 'How'd he get here so fast?! Curse me and my small legs!'

"Why are you leaving again?! What is the matter with you?!" Donnie cries out, finally getting close enough to grab you and hold you in place.

"Because I'm annoyed of you!" You rolled your eyes. His grip loosens and he frowns, "..Really?"

You nod, "I'm sorry Donnie. I love you a lot but I don't like how you're treating me like a baby. I was only hurt one time!"

Donnie rubs the back of his neck, his brows furrowed as he looks to the side. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I know I've probably been super annoying but I was just..worried for you."

He sighs and continues, "I just don't like the thought of you being hurt, cause you're my little sister," He finally looks you in the eyes and you feel yourself shrink back in slight guilt.

"I promise that I'll calm down with my overprotectiveness, I swear." He rests his hands on your shoulders and you tilt your head slightly, "Will I be able to use the toaster by myself again?"

He chuckles slightly, "Yes, yes you can."

You wrap your arms around his neck and hold onto him tightly, "I love you, Donnie! I always appreciate you looking after me."

He slowly wraps his arms around you, his small smile shows his embarrassment, "I love you too, (Y/N). Let's go home."


i hope this was alright!

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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