first impressions - 2016! donnie x fem! reader

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First Impressions - 2016! Donnie x Fem! Reader

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First Impressions - 2016! Donnie x Fem! Reader


Request- MihaPineapple05

Request is- "You're April's cousin, she introduces you to the turtles. You immediately fall for Donnie, but you're too shy to say anything."


"You're gonna like them a lot! Trust me, they're not scary once you get to know them! Well- maybe one of them is pretty scary.."

April really did try to reassure you, but you still weren't sure. The only reason she was doing this was because one night while at her place, you saw four gigantic figures out of her window. When you asked her about it, she tried to play it off but eventually gave in.

You weren't a fan of having to meet her friends in the sewers, but now your curiosity was growing stronger and stronger by each passing moment.

"Here we are!" April grabs onto your arm and pulls you into their home. "Why do they live in a sewer..?" You mumble.

Suddenly someone calls out to your cousin, "April!"

You snap your head to the source, your eyes widen in shock and your mouth drops open in surprise.

"They're nice, (Y/N). Trust me." April reassures you, placing a comforting hand onto your shoulder.

"I-I.." You stutter, not even sure what to say. The turtle with an orange bandana makes his way over to you with a bright smile. "My names Michelangelo, but the ladies call me Mikey." He winks.

Another turtle comes over and snacks him on the head, "Shut it dumbass."

Mikey rubs his head, "That's Raphael, or just Raph. Don't get on his bad side or he'll eat you."

Raph rolls his eyes, "I don't eat humans. I especially wouldn't eat April's cousin you freakin' moron!"

Another turtle comes out, you glance at the weapons on his back and you take a slight step back. "Hello, I'm Leonardo, you can just call me Leo. I just wanted to thank you for not saying anything when you saw us that night outside April's window, me and my family appreciate it."

You gulp, "U-Uh, it's fine.."

"Donnie, come out here and meet April's cousin!" Mikey shouts. "J-Just a second..!" Donnie replies.

You turn at the sound of approaching footsteps and you feel yourself getting nervous. "A-Ah, sorry about that. I was just working on a machine, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

He extends his hand for you to shake, glancing at his hand for a moment you grasp it and shake it, "Uhm, n-nice too meet you too, Donnie."

April wraps her arm around your shoulder, "You said you needed help, right? Me and (Y/N) can help with your work."

Donnie nods, "Thank you, it's not too much, I just need to test something." He motions for the both of you to follow and you do so.

You couldn't help but instantly feel attracted to him. 'It's a fucking turtle, (Y/N).'

'But he's cute..and he's got glasses.' You thought, 'Why do I always go after the nerdy guys?!' You mentally cursed.

The whole while you and April were with Donnie, you could barely form sentences while talking to Donnie. You were just too shy to say anything to him, you could feel your heart beating faster than usual.

"You know (Y/N), I'd love if you could help me with my work again. Maybe we could get to know each other better if you ever decide to stop by again." Donnie suggests, his tone spurning hopeful near the end.

You rub the back of your neck, "U-Uhm, well.."

April quickly cuts in with a mischievous smirk, "Don't worry, the two of you will definitely get to know each other better reaaal quick."


hope this was ok :,P

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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