head canon - texting 2012! leo x fem! reader

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Head Canon - Texting 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader

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Head Canon - Texting 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- MultiFandomer212

Request is- "Texting head canons with 2012 Leo as your boyfriend. Group chat with other characters included."


Doctor Prankenstein 🍕🐱🛹
WOOO HOOo000Oooo!!!!
🍕 🎉 🎊

Lol I'll be there in 5 mins

Captain Leo ⚔️🚀🥷
Cool :) See u later babe

See you soon 🥰

Raph 💪🥊🔥
GROSS! Keep that out of the chat you sickos.

Donnie 🧫🔬🧪
Raph's got a point. 🫤

Doctor Prankenstein 🍕🐱🛹
Haha ur just jealous

Donnie 🧫🔬🧪
No, I'm not!
Shut up Mikey.

April 💐📚💅🏼
We're on the way!
Also stop picking on Leo and (Y/N), they're soo cute!

Thanks April ❤️

Captain Leo ⚔️🚀🥷
Thanks, April. You guys are just jealous that I'm not single. Haha! 😆

Raph 💪🥊🔥

Master Splinter 🥷🇯🇵🍵

Casey 💀🏒⛸
haAhahhaas senise got on the chat to tell u off 🤣😂 L

Donnie 🧫🔬🧪
It's Sensei*. Dolts for brains... 😑😑

Casey 💀🏒⛸
Yeah ok NERD what ever u say 🙄🙄

Oh jeez 🫣🫢
I'm 1 min away

Captain Leo ⚔️🚀🥷
I'll come meet you :) ❤️

Raph 💪🥊🔥

Doctor Prankenstein 🍕🐱🛹
ADORABLE !! 😻😻😻😻

You smile at your phone before shutting it off, putting it in your back pocket. You can hear the faint taps of Leo's feet as he runs down the sewer to meet you.

You wave, "Hey Leo!" You extend your arms and bring him close to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He wraps his arms around you and returns the hug. "Glad you're here, Raph is driving me crazy!"

You sigh, "Yeah, typical Raph." You pull away, "You okay?"

He nods, "Yeah, typical Raph." He repeats.

You frown slightly, "Don't let him get to you, Leo. You know how Raph is sometimes. Just teasing and looking for a good fight."

Leo grabs your hand and begins to walk back to the lair. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, (Y/N)." He smiles.

You look over to him with a small smirk, "You know...you didn't have to come all the way down here, right?"

He awkwardly looks away for a sec before looking back at you, "Well, I just wanted to make sure nothing came out and attacked you." He blushed slightly, "I'll protect you."

You pull yourself closer to him, "Cute. Thanks Leo." You lean over and plant a kiss onto his cheek. He instantly gets embarrassed by your actions and gives a dorky smile, "Uh- No worries."


You snap your heads around, Leo instantly ready for battle only to drop slightly. "Oh, Casey and April." He relaxes.

"Sorry to disturb, guys. But Casey here just HAD to intrude." April rolls her eyes slightly, shooting you and Leo an apologetic smile.

"HAHAHAA!! No need to be embarrassed Leo, I know what it's like to protect your woman." He smugly glances to April and wraps an arm around her shoulder, emphasizing on the "woman" bit.

She scoffs, "Your woman?" Slight amusement laced in her tone. You and Leo glance at each other, hands intertwined nervously, preparing yourself for-

Finally at the Lairs entrance, Donnie joins in as he hears this, "Yeah, YOUR woman?" He scoffs. "Please."

Donnie and Casey begin their usual antics, Leo and you decide to ignore them and sit together on the couch. You lean against him as he instantly begins to watch his show.

"Everything's so much better when you're here." Leo sighs, holding you closer to him as faint yelling can be heard in the distance.

"I know, babe. I know."


hope you enjoyed :] ❤️❤️

Guys requests are CLOSED!!! I wrote this request because Im slowly trying to get ready to open my request box again for you guys and i need get the hang of things until then. plz understand, and thank u for everyone being patient.

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— please come back and check to see if i've opened my request box so you can make one. 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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