a million times yes - 2012! leo x male! hispanic! reader

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A million times yes - 2012! Leo x Male! Hispanic! Reader

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A million times yes - 2012! Leo x Male! Hispanic! Reader


Request- Lonely_xxy

Request is- "Leo has a crush on (Y/N) and is too scared to confess how he feels due to him not being a human. One night while (Y/N) is teaching Leo how to dance to Bachata, Leonardo accidentally confesses to him."


"Space Hero's is good!"

"Uh huh, sure, Leo." You teasingly smirk.

Leo playful glares, "I'm serious! It is."

You and Leo often had playful debates like these over various things. That's how you usually spent your weekends, with Leonardo.

You met him a few months ago, you met him around the same time Casey met the boys and you've gotten very close with the turtle brothers, Leonardo especially.

The two of you are comfortable with each other, the two of you sit on the couch and eventually grow silent. It's a comforting silence, and Leonardo finds himself getting lost in his thoughts.

Leo begins to silently glance at you, admiring your features. 'It's too bad that I'm just a turtle. There's probably a lot of humans that he'd wanna date. Not a turtle.'

"Leo?" You nudge him. His eyes widen and he shakes his head back to focus, "Y-Yeah?"

You tilt your head, "You good?"


'He totally noticed me staring, that's so embarrassing!' Leo bitterly thinks. He mentally curses to himself and falls back to reality.

The light music from the speaker could be heard, a new song begins to play and you jump up, "Recházame! I love this song!"

You reach over, tapping onto the '+' button. The volume increases and you stand up, reaching a hand out for Leo to grab, "Let's dance!"

Leo doesn't take your hand and awkwardly smiles, "Oh, um, I don't really dance.."

You shake your head, "Don't worry, I'll teach you a certain dance."

Leo contemplates about it for a moment, "...Fine, but just don't laugh at me if I mess up."

"I won't!" You chuckle.


You sigh," Alright, I promise I won't laugh."

Leo nods and takes your hand, you pull him up and restart the song.

"Okay, now move your feet like this.." You mutter, although loudly enough for him to hear. He awkwardly follows in your lead and the two of you dance.

The two of you fall into sync, holding onto each other. Although there were light, awkward mishaps from Leo, it was like you two were the only people in the world.

Leo and you lock eyes, the turtle has a lovestruck smile on his face and chuckles. "I am so in love with you." He blurts out.

The music isn't near the end, but you stop dancing. "Seriously..?"

After realizing what he had just said, Leo quickly lets go of you and jumps back in shock.  He stares at your surprised face and begins to assume the worst.

"I-I didn't mean to say that..!"

He tries to come up with an excuse, his efforts make you smile. "Leo, it's fine. Don't try to hide your feelings, I like you too."

"I was lyi- Oh my gosh, seriously?" He stops talking, mouth agape, trying to process your words.


He doesn't reply, only growing red in embarrassment. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" You shrug your shoulders, feeling a bit awkward yourself all of a sudden.

"Yes. A million times yes."


sorry this took long! hope you enjoyed this!

ʕ ̳• · • ̳ʔ
/ =͟͟͞͞

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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