little buddy - 2012! raph x child! friend! reader

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Little Buddy - 2012! Raphael x Child!Friend! Reader

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Little Buddy - 2012! Raphael x Child!Friend! Reader


Request: S203324

"Oneshot where Raph is friends with the reader who is a child."


Tap Tap Tap

Once you heard those three taps you instantly jumped out of your bed, carefully you tiptoed to not wake up your parents.

You ran to the window and smiled at the figure smiling back at you. You struggled to open the window, but eventually you got it open. "Raph!"

Raphael jumped into your room and bent down to hug you. "Hey kiddo, I didn't think you'd be awake. It's past your bedtime."

You shrugged and dragged Raphael to sit on the floor. He sat down and watched as you grabbed something from your toy box.

"Took! Today I went to the Aquarium and I found this Sea turtle plushie, I got it for you." 

Raphael took the turtle out of your hands and chuckled. "Thanks kiddo." He put a hand on top of your head. You smiled into his touch and giggled. "What are you gonna name it?"

Raph took his hand off of you and looked at the toy. "I'm not sure, what do you wanna call it?"

You thought for second, " about Bubbles?"

Raph smirked, "Bubbles it is then."

He stood up and looked at the cat shaped alarm clock on your dresser. It was already passed your bedtime but you were wide awake. "How about I tell you another story before you head off to bed?"

You jumped up, "Yes!"

Raph shushed you quickly, causing you to shut your mouth. "Sorry.." You whispered. Raph picked you up and walked over to your bed, he tucked you in and sat at the edge of the bed.

Raph began to talk about the new mission he went on the night before, making sure he didn't make the story too graphic or scary for you he noticed how around the end of his story you were beginning to fall asleep.

"I wanna go on a mission with you.." You yawned, and hugged your plush cat toy. Raph smiles, "Maybe when you're older. Good night, (Y/N)." He got up and went over to the window. He took one last glance at your now sleeping figure and jumped out the window. Making sure he closed it, he jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

Once Raphael arrived back home, he was instantly greeted by his brothers. "Aww, that's such a cute toy Raph! Little baby Raphael-" Mikey wasn't able to finish due to the fact that his brother had began to chase him around the lair.

"Mikey!" He growls, causing Mikey to laugh at him. Donnie and Leo watch as the scene unfolds and they turn to look at each other.

"Who would have thought he'd become friends with a six year old?" Donnie looks Bubbles sitting on the floor, making Leo nod in agreement.

"At least Raph's got a new friend now."


Hope you enjoyed this oneshot. Sorry it's a bit short :)

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