the force - 2012! turtles x jedi! fem! reader

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The force - 2012! Turtles x Jedi! Fem! Reader

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The force - 2012! Turtles x Jedi! Fem! Reader


Request- Cora988

Request is- "This is a part 2 of my first Jedi! reader :)"


After that last battle where you showed off your skills, you have been joining the turtles in a lot more battles. You had become their strongest ally who they relied and trusted.

"Leo, duck!" You call out, slicing the krang who had tried to attack Leonardo from behind.

"Thanks!" He got up, running off to stop more krang bots.

You ran over to Donnie who was working on the controls, "I'll cover you!" You said, deflecting any bullets the krang would shoot at you. "Thanks, (Y/N). Almost done!"

As Donnie typed away, you used the force to throw stuff at a large group of krang bots heading your way. With your hand raised, you pushed the rest of krang bots outside of the room and blocked the door.

"Done! Let's get out of here!" Donnie exclaims, grabbing his staff and running to the air vents. You and the rest of the turtles followed behind him, climbing through the vents and eventually hopping out.

The five of you ran to the nearest exit, but we're stopped by a large group of krang bots.

"There's too many!" Mikey cried out in worry.

"We can take em'!" Raphael growls, while Leo holds him back.

"Don't worry, I've got this. I'll create a path for you all to escape and I'll meet with you soon. Hurry back to April and Casey." You say, pulling out your weapon and running off to attack.

"(Y/N)!" Mikey cried out in worry. "She'll be fine, trust her!" Donnie exclaimed.

You forcefully threw a whole bunch of krang to the side, allowing room for the boys to run out and escape. "Let's go, guys!" Leo commands, running off. The other three turtles follow, glancing back to you in worry. You meet their gaze and shoot them a reassuring smile.

You begin to dodge bullets and any sort of attack from the robot-aliens, slashing them and forcefully destroying them.

It took some time, but eventually you had enough time to run to an escape. You jumped out from a window, falling and landing onto a roof top.

You sigh, catching your breath as you rest your hands on your knees. "I'm never doing that shit again..." You mumble.

"(Y/N)!" You hear mixed voices cry out. Snapping your head around, you fall back from the massive group hug. Well, more like Mikey, April and Casey really jumping on you.

"YOUR'E ALIVE!!!" Mikey cried out.

"Yeah! I'm okay!" Standing up, you smile at your friends. "If we're all done here, let's go home, I'm pretty sure we're all exhausted." You sweetly say, flashing the boys a cute smile. "I'll even get us some pizza!"



sorry it took so long! hope you liked it :)

thanks for 11k reads :D love you all

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