it happened in fall - 2012! raph x fem! depressed! reader

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It happened in fall - 2012! Raph x Fem! Depressed! Reader

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It happened in fall - 2012! Raph x Fem! Depressed! Reader



Request- 0OoStarryNightoO0

Request is- "Raph saves (Y/N) trying to commit suicide when he sees her trying to jump off a building. When he stops her, he finally admits what he's been feeling."



It was like everything was numb. Nothing mattered anymore and you were tired. So, so tired.

Everything was the same and the hurt was the only thing getting stronger. Sadness and fear consumed you and it took over. You weren't yourself anymore and you weren't okay.

And at some point, Raph had quickly catched onto that. He was in love with you, and he'd always kept an extra eye out just for you.

He knew something was wrong when you stopped doing the things you loved, almost never ate or never came over.

He was gonna have to find out what was wrong, no matter what. He needed to make sure you were okay.

He'd have to force you to talk before it got worse, is what he thought while running to your house late at night.

For the City that never sleeps, it was quite, an uncomfortable and dreadful silence. It caused Raph to shiver lightly, a feeling of dread and worry took over him.

The faint sound of police sirens and dogs barked could be heard, it calmed Raph down a bit but when he finally reached your apartment and knocked on the window, the feeling grew stronger.

He looked through the window, you weren't in your room. He reached out to open the window, he expected it would be locked but it wasn't.

"(Y/N)? You in here?" He whisperes, stepping into your room carefully and quietly. He looks around in confusion, glancing to your nightstand table and picking up a folded paper.

'From (Y/N)'

He opens the paper and begins to read the note. His eyes widen, clenching the paper in his hands and running out your room.


Tears spilled from your eyes as you shakily held onto the wall, you glanced down and quickly glanced back up.

You were very high up, everything looked so small below you. The lights in the city were blurred from your tears as you sobbed.

"This is it," You let out a shaky sigh. You take one step forwards and let go of the wall, shutting your eyes as a slight breeze hits your face.

Suddenly you jolt in place, strong arms wrap around your torso and throw you back onto the rooftop.


You open your eyes, your tears grow stronger when you meet the watering eyes of Raph.

"What the heck were you thinking, (Y/N)?! H-How..Why..? Why would you.."

He couldn't even form a proper sentence. He didn't know what to say. He begins to pace around nervously, you cover your face in your hands and sob.

"How did you know I'd be here..?"

Raphael shakes his head, "That doesn't matter," He goes over to you and crouches down next to you.

"(Y/N), you know you could've talked to any of us anytime at all. I-I'm sorry I never fully realized you were suffering.."

You move your hands and wiped your tears. You took one look at Raph and looked away almost instantly. You couldn't bare to look at him for some reason.

"You're probably disappointed in me." You mumble.

"No, of course I'm not." He reaches out to touch you cautiously, when he realizes you aren't moving away he wraps his arm around your shoulder and sits next to you.

"I'm just so...sad? Scared? Guilty?" Raph shakes his head with a sigh, "I wouldn't know what to do if you were...gone, (Y/N)."

Being held in Raph's arms while you tried not to cry was one of the hardest things you'd had to do. You shook violently, "..Are you serious?" You voice cracked.

He nodded, squeezing you tighter, "Of course! I love you so much (Y/N). Please don't do this to me, Im begging you. Please let us- me, help you."

You take in his words, they shoot into your heart and more tears spill, "Okay." You whimper. You hug him, resting your head on his shoulder as you sob. "I-I love you, Raph. I'm sorry."

He holds you tighter, "It's gonna be okay, I'll always be here."

The two of you stay like that for a while until Raph suggests it's time to go home. He silently picks you up and carries you back to your place.

Raph makes it back into your room and tucks you into bed, "I'm gonna stay here with you tonight, (Y/N). I'll look after you."


I hope this was okay?? and i am so sorry for the wait!

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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