she's just too cute! - 2012! raph x fem! inu! reader

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She's just too cute! - 2012! Raph x Fem! Inu! Reader

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She's just too cute! - 2012! Raph x Fem! Inu! Reader


Request- NamesTiny_Floof

Request is- "(Y/N) is a inu, which is similar to a neko but a dog version. She begins to grow annoyed when the other turtles boys tease her about her cuteness. She goes to Raph and asks him to get them to knock it off.


"Cut it out, Mikey!" You growl in annoyance, clenching your fists as Mikey, Leo and Donnie laugh.

You knew they meant no real harm, but their teasing has gone on for way too long and you were starting to get annoyed with it.

"But you're soo cute! Especially when your tails wags when you get excited!" He laughs some more.

You cross your arms, huffing in annoyance. "I'm not that cute. You guys are dumb.."

Leonardo chuckles, patting you on the head, "Oh cmon, (Y/N)! You're just so small, and when you get angry it's funny!"

Donnie nods, "We're just teasing, (Y/N). I'm sure Raph thinks you're cute." He says in a teasing tone.

He sounds like he was trying to hint something, but you chose to ignore it. "What ever!" You stomp your foot and leave to find Raph.

The others chuckle as they watch you storm off. Your cheeks are flushes in embarrassment and your fists are clenched. 'They're starting to be so annoying!'

You make your way over to Raph, calling out to him to stop his workout.

"Raph, can you do something for me?" You ask. He glances to you and stops what he's doing, "What is it?"

You sigh, "Can you tell others to stop bothering me with the whole, "cuteness" thing? It's starting to get annoying! And embarrassing!"

Raph nods, "Yeah, I can. I'll smack them too." He clenches his fists and makes his way to his brothers, "HEY!"

The other three snap their heads at the loudness coming from Raph. "What's wrong now, Raph?" Leo crosses his arms in annoyance.

"Quit teasing (Y/N)." He sternly says, glaring at the three. "It's annoying and weird."

Mikey rolls his eyes, "We can't help it! She's just too cute!"

"Yeah, don't you agree, Raph?" Don smirks teasingly. Raphael's cheeks grow hot and he growls, "S-Shut up!"

"Just leave her alone!! Stop calling her cute!" Raph shouts, clenching his fists in anger. Leo's eyes widen in realization, "Ohhh, you're jealous of us calling her cute!"

This causes Raph's eyes to widen, "WHA- NO!"

Mikey and Donnie laugh at his face, Raph praying you couldn't hear them. "He totally
is, dude!"

Raph only gets more angrier and embarrassed, "What ever! Just leave (Y/N) already." He storms off, walking back over to you in the kitchen.

When you notice him you smile, "You talked to them?"

He only nods, which causes you to tilt your head like a curious dog. Raph blushes at this, turning away. "Anyway, thanks Raph! You're always so helpful!"

He looks over to you, a small smile forms on his face when he notices your tail wagging in delight. "Uhm, N-No problem, (Y/N)."

He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. He knew you were upset when you were being called cute, but he couldn't help himself. Raph thought you were cute. Very cute at that. He wasn't sure if it was the cute little dog features you had, or if it was just you in general. He chose to kept quiet about it unlike his brothers, but he couldn't stop the beating of his heart and reddened cheeks when you were around.

'I guess it would just be better if I kept my thoughts to myself, for now..'


hope you liked this ! 💗✨

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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