got the power - 2012! turtles x male! powerful! reader

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Got The Power - 2012! Turtles x Male! Powerful! Reader

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Got The Power - 2012! Turtles x Male! Powerful! Reader


Request- Bonnystarshy

Request is- "The turtle boys spend their night with their friend, (Y/N). He just so happens to be a powerful boy with various types of superpowers."


"Dude, do a flip!" Mikey laughs, watching you attempt to do some tricks on your skateboard. The turtles watch in amusement at the scene and laugh as you flip over and fall.

You get up a smirk mischievously, emitting a small ball of electricity on your palms and chasing Mikey around with it.

"WAHH I'M SORRY MAN, CHILL!" Mikey cries out as he runs away, the other three laugh in amusement. You eventually decide you had enough of messing with him and let him off the hook.

"Dude- I don't know if your powers are just straight up terrifying or awesome, It's like.." Mikey scratches chin in though, "Terrifwesome!" He snaps his fingers in satisfaction.

Donnie rolls his eyes, "Typical Mikey.."

You smile, "Thanks Mikey," You creepily wiggle your fingers in his face as your face changes to a creepy grin, "If you're not careful- I just might shock you!"

Raph and Leo laugh as Mikey jumps back quickly, they make their way over closer to the three of you and sit down.

Raph leans his head back, resting against a vent. "So, what now?"

Leo hums, "Hmm...well, we could-"

"Footbots!" Donnie calls out, causing everyone
to jump out of their previous positions and getting into a fighting stance.

"Busting some heads, just my night!" Raph smirks. "You said it!" You smirk mischievously and use your powers to send a wave of water to the bots, causing them to fry up and fall of the rooftop.

"How'd they even find us?!" Leo grumbles in frustration as he slashes some from the opposite side of the rooftop.

"(Y/N), to your left!" Leo calls out to you in warning. You're quick to stop the footbots, extending your palm and releasing fire to the swarm of robots- melting them.

"Nice one, dude!" Mikey compliments you, flipping over a bot and smacking it away. He lands next to you and gives you a kick fist bump before turning back to the fight. "Thanks," you smirk at the turtle, "Get ready, here come more!"

It's been fifteen minutes and the bots don't stop coming. "Why's there so many?!" Donnie yells in frustration. "We're making too much noise- let's go!" Leo commands, the five of you jump off the rooftop and run through the streets.

"Okay, let's just end this now.." You mumble in annoyance, opening up a portal you're able to drop the bots somewhere random, far away from your group.

You're all finally able to stop running, hiding in an alleyway, careful for any near by bots. "Okay- let's go." You say, teleporting the five of you back into the lair.

"(Y/N) always ready to save our shells, huh?" Donnie chuckles.

You smirk, "You guys would be totally lost without me." You rest a hand on your hip cockily. Raph rolls his eyes, a light smirk on his face.

"All right, Superboy." He lightly smacks you in the back as he jumps onto a nearby bean bag.

"(Y/N)- you're totally like- a Superhero! With those powers!" Mikey excitedly jumps around. l

You laugh, "Well, I guess I am? I've always got
your guys' backs. Forever and always."


sorry for the wait :] sorry it's a bit short <3 i hope you liked this !

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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