kitchen mess - rise! mikey x fem! reader

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Kitchen Mess - Rise! Mikey x Fem! Reader

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Kitchen Mess - Rise! Mikey x Fem! Reader


Decided to write a little oneshot of mikey and his girl trying to make something sugary but the reader continues to mess up and mikey finds it adorable 😔🥺🤚

Sorry for the lack of updates! Also remember to please wash your hands and stay safe guys!! :)


"Nope, you've gotta stir it a little bit more."

"Argh, I hate mixing it by the spoon thingy! Don't you have one of those machine mixers??" You put your arms down for a second, they felt completely dead.

"Nope. Raph accidentally sat on it last week so Donnies gotta try and fix it, he's been a bit busy so he can't now."

You nod in understanding. Your boyfriend comes over and takes the spoon away from you and stirs. He does it effortlessly, you watch in amazement as he finishes. "Okay, now we can go onto the next step. (Y/N), I'm gonna let you pour this in but you gotta listen when I tell you to stop."

You nod and pick up the measuring cup that already had the milk in it. You pour a bit after Mikey tells you too and stop so he could mix. You do it again but this time you accidentally pour all of the milk, due to Raphael coming in and scaring you.

"Oops- sorry guys.." Raph scratches his neck and walks out quickly.

You look at Mikey and he thinks. "Sorry, Mikey.." You put the measuring cup down and he quickly reassures you that it's perfectly okay.

"Okay, get some sugar now."

You go over and grab what you thought was sugar, but was actually salt and pour some in. "Okay, good job (Y/N)."

Mikey continues to tell you what to do, you mess up a bit but Mikey doesn't seem to mind. "Let's just put this bad boy in the oven and wait." The turtle smiled at you, which you returned.

You wait for the cake to finish baking by cleaning the kitchen up and washing the dishes. The oven beeps and you watch Mikey take it out of the oven. You both wait for it to cool and then finish with the frosting, serve out slices to everyone.

As soon as everyone takes a bite it suddenly becomes quiet. Leonardo, not knowing this was your cake, takes it out on Mikey.

"Mikey, bro, I love ya- but this has to be the worst cake that I have EVER eaten."

Everyone besides Leo looks at you and then back at Leo. Splinter whacks him with his tail and Leo cries out in pain. "WHAT DID I- oh....Uh- sorry (Y/N), it's just.."

"It's really salty," You finish his sentence, "and the texture feels weird.."

Leo nods in agreement. Mikey goes over to the cabinet and opens it. "Uh, which jar did you take?"

"The one of the left."

"That's the salt, (Y/N)."



"You're adorable, (Y/N)."

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