cuddle bug - 2014! leo x fem! human! nine-tailed fox! reader

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Cuddle Bug - 2014! Leo x Fem! Human! Nine-tailed Fox! Reader

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Cuddle Bug - 2014! Leo x Fem! Human! Nine-tailed Fox! Reader


Request- AngelRosePhoenix

Request is- "Leo instantly gets a crush on (Y/N) when he and his brothers save her from the foot clan. While getting to know each other, (Y/N) becomes very cuddly and overall a sweet person towards Leo which pushes him to confess his feelings for her." ( Y/N is inspired by ahri from league of legends )


"Ugh..." You muttered to yourself, nervously fumbling with one of your tails, "I hope they get here soon..."

You were anxiously waiting for the four turtles from earlier to come and rescue you. Earlier, they had noticed you being chased down by a bunch of foot soldiers and tried to save you- but they were too late.

You could remember the one in blue as he tried to grab onto your hand as you desperately reached out to him but he was stopped by a soldier. The last thing you heard from him was a promise that he'd try and come rescue you again.

'Please, I hope you really do come, I really hate it here..'

And right on the spot when you glanced up, you could see the four turtles running over to your cell. The one in the purple bandanna quickly tried to get you out while the others made sure nobody was around.

The blue one from before turned to you, a small smile on his face. "Are you hurt?" He asks, holding onto your hand once you've finally gotten out of your cell. You thank the boys and nod, "I'm fine. Thank you for coming after me. I appreciate your kindness."

The one in blue carries you, "Let's go, guys!" He whisper-shouts as they run out of the building, carful to not be seen or heard by anyone else around.

They had eventually made it out, Leonardo let's you down gently as the five of you hide in a random alley way next to some garbage cans. 

It smelt gross, but you'd all just have to bare with it to make sure the foot couldn't spot you five.

After the introductions were out of the way, you watched as Leo nervously scratch his neck, moving closer to you as he pulls out his phone.

"Here's my number, call if you're ever in trouble." Leonardo offers awkwardly, a small shade of red dusting his usual green cheeks. You accept, saving his number.

"OOH- here's my number too! You can come and stop by the lair so we can all hang out, dudette." Mikey shows you his number, his cheery voice immediately puts a smile on your face.

"Thank you all so much again, I hope to see you all real soon." You smile, reaching closer to Leonardo and giving him a hug, you do the same to the other boys although theirs were a bit shorter.

"U-Uhm, It's no worries, we'll see you later." Leo smiles nervously as he and his brothers open up a manhole cover and jumping into it. "Bye, (Y/N)." Leo waves one last time and you wave back, a smile on your face as you watch the boy in blue disappear.


"Hey Leo!!" You happily greet him. He walks into your home and takes a seat on your couch with you. "It's good to see you again, (Y/N). How've ya been?" He smiles.

You plop down next to him and cuddle into his side, a sigh escapes your lips as you start to talk about your day.

You had been friends with the turtles boys for little over a month now, and you were pretty close friends with each turtle. Except, you and Leo had seemed to become even more close.

Everyone could tell that the two of you had caught feelings for each other and were fully supportive of the thought of you dating. Although when Raphael tried to push his brother to confess his feelings to you, Leonardo would always deny the idea- too scared for rejection.

Leonardo had quickly grown feelings for you, I mean how could he not? He enjoyed your company and how much of a cuddler you were, and you always seemed to make time for him whenever he needed someone there.

You wrap your tail around him and hug him closer, "I'm glad that you were able to stop by, it seems like things have just been becoming more busy for everyone, huh?" You lightly chucked.

"That's true, but I'm glad things have been clearing up for everyone recently," his voice lowered just a bit- a tint of sadness in his tone, "So, I've actually been meaning to tell you something for a while now..."

You turned to face him, removing your eyes from the TV. "What's up?"

Leonardo shifts a bit, forcefully clearing his throat. It sounded awkward and you started to get nervous.

"I just wanted to say that I..." he couldn't find the right words, he decided it would be best to
rip the bandage off and say it, "I have a crush on you, and I have for a while."

You noticed the way Leo's eyes shined when he stared into your own.

"You're just the person that I want..." He mumbled softly. You blushed at his words, but let him continue.

"Could I please become your boyfriend? I'll do everything to make sure your safe, I promise. The foot is never going to come after you again." He held onto your hands, giving them a gentle squeeze.

Your heart fluttered, you giggled at his words and nodded your head. "Yes, I accept." You wrap your tails around the ninja and hug him tightly.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank god," he hugs you back and the two of you stay together for the remainder of the night, sharing stories and talking about the future.

"I'm guessing now that we're dating you're going to be giving me even more cuddles now, huh?" The ninja chuckled as he held you in his arms.

"Of course, this is me we're talking about." You teasingly say. You glance at Leo and he does the same, the two of you leaning in closer to each other. Leonardo and your lips meet in a short, but sweet kiss.

The two of you pull away after a few seconds in embarrassment.

"Uh, so.." Leo scratches his neck bashfully.

"Hehe, that was nice.." You smile, cheeks blazing. Leonardo agrees.

"A-Ah yeah!- So, let's hang tomorrow? I've gotta meet the guys now." He stands up, you could tell he was embarrassed which made you giggle.

"Sure," just as he's about to go, you pull him down for another quick kiss, "Goodnight, Leo."

"GOODNIGHT!" He nervously jumps from your balcony in a hurry, worried if you'll tease him for
his red face.

You giggle to yourself as you watch him go, your tails moving in happiness. 'I hope he's ready for my major cuddle attack tomorrow night.'


hope you enjoyed 💗

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open. either message me or comment on the first page.

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