sunshine - 2012! mikey x depressed! reader

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Sunshine - 2012! Mikey x Depressed! Reader────────────────────

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Sunshine - 2012! Mikey x Depressed! Reader


Request- MikeyTMNTISCUTE

Request is- "Mikey x Reader who is Depressed"


One day, you stopped showing up to school with a smile on your face. You had stopped doing a lot of things. Like sleeping, eating, studying or doing any of your favorite hobbies.

You had been isolating yourself more often and you barely talked to your friends. There were a few close people who noticed, but one person who really noticed was Mikey.

You and him would always skateboard, make cookies and hang out all the time after school but this past month things had seemed to change.

Mikey's older brothers had noticed it, and they tried to reach out to you, but you would always tell them, "I'm Fine.", or, "Don't worry about me."

It came to a point where you'd stop showing up at the lair, and you'd even miss some days of school.

Mikey had been missing your company, even though his older brothers told him it's best to leave you alone for now- he couldn't wait any longer to see you.

He had missed everything about you. The way you'd always defend him when his brothers had a go at him, the way you'd make cookies with him, the way you laughed or just how warm your presence was.

You were always such a warm person.

Mikey lightly tapped on your window, waiting for you to open it, and to greet him with that same warm smile. He waited, but you never came. He tapped again, expecting to hear your footsteps but nothing.

"Please, go away.." You sadly called out to who you guessed was Mikey. "I'm sorry." You sighed.

Mikey frowned, "(Y/N), let me in!" He crosses his arms.

You let out a sigh and got up, moved to your window, moved the curtains and unlocked it. Mikey climbed in and instantly threw himself onto you. "(Y/N)! I missed you!"

You slowly wrapped your arms around Mikey, but quickly pulled away afterwards. "Hey.."

The turtle frowned at your lack of response. He noticed how your presence wasn't warm liked it used to be. You seemed colder and sadder, and Mikey couldn't understand.

"Why haven't you been at the lair anymore? Are you okay?" Mikey asked.

You turned away from him, hugging your arms with a frown. "I'm fine, Mikey. I've just been busy."

"April and Casey say you haven't been going to school that much anymore. Why? Is something happening? Is someone hurting you?" Mikey moved to face you, holding onto your shoulders.

"I said, I'm fine." You had began to grow irritated. You loved Mikey, but you weren't in the mood to be with anyone at the moment. You wanted to go back into your bed and hide under your blanket.

"(Y/N), you're not okay. I don't really understand most things, but if Donnie says you're not okay, then it must be true! You can tell me anything, (Y/N)! We're friends, and I'm always going to be here for you, just like you're always there for me!" Mikeys voice began to tremble as he stared into your dark eyes. They seemed to have lost their light.

"I'm always going to be your hero, (Y/N)! I'll stand right next to you, no matter what you're going through, I'm here!" Mikey flashed you a reassuring smile, his eyes held a seriousness that you rarely saw, only during the most important of things.

You couldn't help but fight back the small smile on your face, "Thanks, Mikey..."


hope this was okay !!

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