i won't hurt you part 2 - 2016! donnie x borrower! reader

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I won't hurt you Part 2 - 2016! Donnie x Borrower! Reader

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I won't hurt you Part 2 - 2016! Donnie x Borrower! Reader


Request- S203324


You and the giant turtle, Donnie, have become pretty close friends. He would occasionally ask you questions about your kind of people and you'd happily answer.

You had told him that you would like to become bigger, able to explore the real world without being in risk of danger. He had told you that he'd like the same thing, with him being a turtle and all.

He would always bring you food from his kitchen so you wouldn't have to go all 'stealthy ninja mode' just to get something to eat.

One day you were watching Don build a machine, not sure of what it was, you just decided to watch instead of asking questions.

"I think I've done it!" He cheers. You tilt your head in confusion, "What did you do?"

Donnie turns over to you with a giant grin plastered on his face. "You know how you've been wanting to see what it would be like to be more, well, giant? My machine is going to let that happen, at least, I hope so."

Your eyes widen in amazement. You run over to place your tiny self and wrap it around one of his giant fingers. Donnie understands that you're trying to hug him, he picks you up and nuzzles your cheek with his.

He sets you down on the floor and picks up the machine that looks like a gun. He points it at you and shoots. You shut your eyes, waiting for something to happen but you feel nothing. "Did it wo-"

You stopped talking and out of nowhere your body felt as if it were on fire. You felt heavier and when you opened your eyes you could see yourself growing taller and taller. You could see Donnie's eyes widen in amazement.

Suddenly the growing stopped, and you looked in the mirror to see yourself bigger. You were practically the same size as Donnies friend April only a tad bit shorter.

"This is so cool! I feel so tall! Like the statue of Liberty!" You run over to Donnie and this time, you're able to give him a proper hug. Donnie chuckles, a slight blush coating his cheeks.

"Y-You look amazing. Like you always do, but still.."

You turn back to the mirror and admire your long legs, Donnie can't help but chuckle in amusement. "Cute."


I'm so sorry this took such a long time to release!!! I hope this oneshot was somewhat alright? Hope you enjoy 💗

I think I'm gonna start to make more oneshots with different characters besides Donnie cause I've done too much of him haha.

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