i won't hurt you - 2016! donnie x borrower! reader

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I won't hurt you - 2016! Donnie x Borrower! Reader

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I won't hurt you - 2016! Donnie x Borrower! Reader


Request - S203324

" 2016! Donnie x Borrower! Reader. Borrowers are tiny people who live or hide in the walls of beings. The reader is trying to get pizza and Donnie catches her, scaring the reader. She thinks that Donnie will either eat her or even experiment on her."


You looked around, checking incase anyone was around. Once you believed the coast was clear, you quietly came out from the small hole in the wall and climbed onto the desk.

It took about five minutes for you to successfully climb the table but once you finally reached the top, you dragged your tiny feet to the box of pizza that sat on the table.

Careful, trying to not knock over any of the weird looking equipment on the table you finally reached the box. You opened it and pulled out one slice of the pizza.

You were getting ready to make the journey back to your hole in the wall but the sound of glass shattering, causing you to look to the side.

Your eyes widened, terrified. There stood the giant who called this place his own joke. You let go of the pizza and ran to the edge of the table.

Suddenly the giant turtle stomped over and stopped you. "I-It's alright, I promise I won't hurt you."

You stopped running and stared at the giant turtle wearing a purple bandana. He smiled, showing off his teeth.

You moved back in fear. "P-please don't eat me.."

This caused him to step back. "Oh jeez, I wouldn't ever do that! There's no need to be scared, my names Donnie. I swear- I won't do anything to you."

You watched as he picked up the slice of pizza you left and placed it in front of you. "If you're hungry, you can eat."

You looked at the pizza, then at Donnie. "Thank you..My name is (Y/N)."

You began to eat the pizza, not fully finishing it due to its size. You watched as Donnie sat down and ate his own pizza.

Once he finished he looked down at you. "If you don't mind me asking, how are you so..small?"

"I was born like this." You replied. You watched as Donnies eyes widened. "How interesting, I've never even heard of anything like this.."

You scratched your neck, "It's cause we've gotta stay hidden, you guys are so much bigger than us so we've always got to stay alert.."

"Yeah, I get it. I have to stay hidden from the people above because of how I look."

You smile, which makes your new friend smile.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I won't hurt you. I promise."


I hope I wrote this right?? I'm not sure if I got the whole borrower concept correct, but I hope you liked this ! :P

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