no judgement - rise! leo x male! reader

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No Judgement - Rise! Leo x Male! Reader

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No Judgement - Rise! Leo x Male! Reader


Request- MeowMeowIsSleepy

Request is- "The reader is upset because he believes that Leo could never like him back because they're both boys. (Y/N) starts to distance himself from Leo because he doesn't want to be made fun of, so the others (who know about your crush) decide to take matters into their own hands."


Glancing at Leonardo, you sigh. You weren't sure how or when you started to develop these feelings for him- but everyday they would grow stronger and stronger.

You weren't going to tell anybody. Not even the other turtles and April. You were scared, what is everyone, including Leo, laughed at you? What would they say? Would they call you gross? Would they never wanna be around you anymore?

You couldn't deal with the thought of any of that happening, so you hid yourself from them. It was hard, but you would do anything to prevent Leo from finding out.

"(Y/N)!" Leo snaps his finger in your face, you jolt back in shock, "What's wrong?!"

Leo frowns slightly, "You've been staring at me for like- three minutes now?"

Your cheeks burn in embarrassment, "S-Sorry. I just zoned out I guess."

Leo shrugs his shoulders and picks up his skateboard, "Wanna leave the lair? We can go skateboarding."

You nod, "Okay, I guess I'll go ask the others too-" Leo grabs your arm, "Nah, they uh, don't want to come. It'll just be us."

You quickly turn away from him and pull your arm away, you hide your face away from him, you looked way too awkward and nervous. You grabbed your board, "O-Okay, let's go then."


That was one of the last times you had properly seen or hung out with Leo. It's been two weeks now and you've been distancing yourself from him because of your crush on him.

One day, April tried to talk to you at school to see what was up, but you shrugged her off. "Don't worry April, nothings wrong."

She obviously didn't believe that, so she decided the best thing to do was group up with the other boys.

"(Y/N)'s crush on Leo is pretty obvious..Leo hides it better but we all know Leo likes him too." Mikey comments.

Raph nods in agreement, "I just wonder why (Y/N)'s acting distant.."

"I think I have a plan on how to get them together!" April suddenly blurts out in excitement.

Donnie's eyes sparkle in delight, "We trap them in a highly locked room for twenty hour hours and then-"

Raphael cuts him off, slapping his hand over his mouth.

April rolls her eyes, "Just follow my lead!"


It's been ages since Leo's seen you, every time he would send you a text you'd make up excuses. Whenever he'd come around your house nobody answered. It was driving him insane and he didn't know how long he could take being away from you.

Leo sighs, sulking on the couch as he scrolls on his phone. Mikey waltzes over to him, a smug grin on his face, "Oh Leo~!"

He doesn't pay any mind to him, "Hmm.."

Mikey yanks his arm and drags him out of his seat, "Come with me!"

Leo doesn't fight it, he instead continues to scroll through your instagram page with gloomy eyes.

"(Y/N) said he wanted to meet you on the rooftop of the pizza place!" Mikey beams. Leo quickly stands for himself and let's go of his brother, "W-Wait, really?!"

Mikey nods, and Leo doesn't waste any time to rush over there.

With you on the other hand, April shot you a text. 'come meet me on the pizza place's rooftop ,, it's major !!!!'

You shrugged it off and quickly got dressed, rushing over there.

Once you arrived, you climbed up from the back and stood on top of the rooftop. Looking around in confusion for April, she wasn't here.

"(Y/N)!" Leo happily cried out in disbelief, "I'm so glad you called me out here!"

You tilted your head in even more confusion, you suddenly came to a realization. 'April set this up..!'

Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "U-Uh, well.."

Leo began to move closer to you, and innocent smile on his face. You felt your heart burst and you couldn't hold back the anxious feeling you got around him. You began to fiddle with your fingers anxiously, "Uhh..?"

"What's up, (Y/N)?" He smiled, he sounded more desperate this time. When you didn't reply, he asked, "Why haven't you been answering me recently? Did I do something..?"

You shook your head, "No! It's just- Uh, we'll.."

From the shadows, Donnie slapped his forehead in irritation. Using one of his machines, he shoved you harshly onto Leonardo.

"YOU TWO HAVE A CRUSH ON EACH OTHER. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, NOW!" He shouted out before April and Raph could shush him.

Now Leo was embarrassed, "Wait, really?"

You squeezed your eyes shut lightly, "Y-yeah. I'm sorry, you must be grossed out."

He wrapped his arms around you, "Of course I'm not! I could never be! Is that why you distanced yourself from me?"

You nodded, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, "...Yeah."

"Well, you don't have to. I like you, (Y/N)."

"I like you too, Leo."

From the sides, Raph wiped a tear from his eye, "They grow up so fast.."


i hope this was alright :-P

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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