open cage - 2012! donnie x fem! mutated! reader

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Open Cage - 2012! Donnie x Fem! Mutated! Reader

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Open Cage - 2012! Donnie x Fem! Mutated! Reader


Request- NightxShadex

Request is- "During a mission Donnie gets captured by the Kraang, and while it's (Y/N)'s job to guard him they have a chat. She expresses how she wants to leave and be free, also wanting to get revenge for her sister.


Holding the tray in your scarred hands, you slowly made your way over to the cell. Opening the small door, you slide the tray inside for the turtle to have.

"Let me out already! You can't just keep me here!"

You stop in your tracks and sigh, "I'm sorry, but I can't."

He bangs on the door, "I've got brothers who'll come down here to get me and you'll regret it."

You frown, shaking your head. "I can't let you go. My orders are to only bring you your food until they decide what to do to you."

He scoffs and mutters, "I guess you wouldn't know anything about family, all you do is rip families apart and hurt people. I swear that we will stop you."

You flinch, turning to look at him through the glass. "...I do know a thing about family. I wish I could escape this place. I hate them all."

Donnie looks up in confusion, "Wait, what?" He moves in closer, "..If you don't like the Kraang then why don't you just leave? How could you possibly help them out with their evil plans?"

You bite the inside of your cheek, "I wish I could get revenge on the Kraang for hurting my sister, but I can't.."

"If they hurt your sister, then you've gotta protect her." Donnie tries to reason, maybe you'd finally let him out.

You don't reply, instead you stare down at the ground.

Donnie tries to reason with you but he can't when you ignore him and rush off, speeding down the hall as you ignore his shouts for you to come back.


"Donnie! He's over here, guys!" Mikey whisper-shouts to Raphael and Leonardo.

"Hey Donnie, are you okay?" Leo asks, trying to figure out how to unlock the cell door.

"I-I'm fine, but hurry and get me out. We gotta help someone else escape too." Donnie watches as Mikey bangs on the control panel.

"Move!" Raph growls, shoving him out of the way.

"Don't stab it!-" Donnie warns, but his words are ignored as Raphael harshly stabs the controls. The door slides open and Mikey jumps onto his brother, "D!"

Donnie gives him a small smile before stepping out of the cell, "We need to go and save someone else, we need to go and look for her."

"Who?" Leo asks.

"The girl who kept me locked up in here." 

It took a while, but when the boys found you it was too late. They watched as your body began to mutate, you looked completely different from before.

When they were able too, the boys attacked any kraang bots in order to help you escape. And when Donnie was finally able to reach you, he held onto you and spoke. "I'm going to get you out of here, you're finally free."


sorry for the wait :-P i hope this is similar to what you requested but i had no idea what to write about 🧍‍♀️

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— please come back and check to see if i've opened my request box so you can make one. 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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