out of this world part 2 - 2012!donnie x reader

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Out of this world part 2 - Donnie x Reader

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Out of this world part 2 - Donnie x Reader


Request: Totally_Weird


You weren't sure how long you were in this cell, but you were trying to figure out when the Turtles would come and save you, April and Kirby.

If you remembered the episode correctly, they should be here soon and that they wouldn't have too much of a trouble trying to save April. You knew that Kirby wasn't gonna make it, so you were at least hoping you would.

Suddenly the alarms went off which made you sigh in relief. "Finally, they're here."

You could faintly hear what was going on outside, you guessed that Donnie had stopped to come and help April and her father.

Donnie looks down at the controls and tries to figure something out but isn't too sure on what to do. The other turtles run off to try and stop the robots from coming near Donnie.

"Don't worry guys, we'll get you outta here."

"You're not here to hurt us?" April asks.

"We aren't, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you guys back then." Donnie frowns, and April smiles at him. "Don't worry."

"Where's (Y/N)?" Donnie asks. "The cell next to this one!" She replies, Donnie quickly glances at your cell until he gets knocked against the window, and Leo begins to rush him. "Right, sorry!"

He bends down to the controls and takes a look at them. April comes near the window and tries to get him to hurry up. "I've only got three fingers! It's a bit difficult!" Donnie shows her his hands.


Raphael walks over and pushes Donnie to the side. "We don't got time!" He screams before stabbing the controls like a maniac.

The kraang come by and try to grab April, but her father pushes her to the turtles and gets captured instead. "Dad!" April cries out, glancing at the turtles worryingly.

Donnie quickly goes over to your cell. He smashes the controls and as soon as the door opens the Kraang come from the other side of the door and grab you. The turtles and April chase after the Kraang.

You and the Kirby get dragged to a helicopter, you watch as the turtles and April (who was now hiding on the sidelines) get stopped by the giant plant mutant. The Helicopter engine roars loudly, grabbing the attention of the turtles.

"Donnie, go!" Leo shouts, giving a boost to Donnie who jumps onto the buildings, rushing to save you.

Through the window, you can see Donnie make it up the building. The helicopter takes off and Donnie uses his staff to bounce into the air and grab onto the bottom of the helicopter.

A kraang goes to attack him, but he manages to throw him over. The shaking of the helicopter makes you fall out and hold onto the bars with Donnie. "Well shit.."

"H-Hold on!" Donnie says but the helicopter shakes again and you accidentally let go.

Donnie gasps and let's go of the bar and catches you, holding onto you bridal style he flips from building to building and lands. "T-Thank you.." You sigh, didn't thinking it would be that scary even if it looked cool in the cartoon.

Donnie smiles at you, still holding onto you. April screams for her dad, making you and him look up at the helicopter.


Back at April's place, you and the turtles talk to her. The boys apologize for not being able to save her dad and she tells them that it's okay. They promise to help find her dad which causes her to smile. "See ya, April." You wave to her as she smiles, shutting her window. Donnie picks you up, and begins to jump a couple of roofs away from April's place.

You and the four mutants sit on a random roof while talking.

"How did you know my name the night we met?" Donnie asks which causes his brothers to look over curiously and cautiously.

"I'm not sure how to say this but uh..I'm from another dimension?"


Months pass, the turtles are still trying to find a way for you to get back home. For the mean time, April let's you stay with her at her apartment.

You and Donnie have quickly grown a liking to each other, the moments you shared with your favorite turtle meant a lot to you.

You really didn't want to leave now, you were having fun with the turtles, April and even Casey. But you knew you had to get back home. You had friends, family, school all waiting for you back at home.

Donnie really didn't want you to leave either, but he knew that he'd have to let you go eventually. As soon as he laid eyes on you, he knew there was something about you that made him bust his uwus.

With each day passing, you and Donnie made the most of it until it was time to say goodbye.

The reason we fall for fictional characters is because we were meant to be soulmates but we were born in the wrong universes.


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