what nobody needs to know - 2012! leo x fem! reader

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What nobody needs to know - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader

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What nobody needs to know - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- BroICantAnymore

Request is- "Leo and the reader have been dating for a few months now and everyone else is super excited about the two of them dating. They want to see (Y/N) and Leo finally kiss (because you and him usually aren't big on too my pda) so they spy on you and him.


You and Leo had been together for a couple of months now, and everything was going strong. Leo was a perfect boyfriend and you couldn't be any happier.

You were also glad to have a lot of support from his brothers, Casey and especially April.

April would often ask you questions about the relationship and she'd always ask the same question, "Why do you guys like to keep your relationship so quiet?"

You didn't really intend for it to be that way, it was kind of the way Leo rolled and you decided to follow along. If anything, the two of you keeping things to yourselves made you a lot more comfortable.

You'd hold hands together and what not, but kissing was just something you and him did when nobody was around. Even if they were around, it's not like that person would've made a big deal, right?

So one day, while snuggled up with Leo watching some random movie Mikey out on, April glances over to you and your boyfriend.

She has a mischievous spark in her eye when she notices the two of you getting up. "We're just gonna go and get more popcorn.." You whispered, skipping off with Leo.

After a minute of the two of you both gone, April stood up and points to the kitchen with a smirk. Mikey gets up quickly, so does Casey and they rush with April and sneakily listen in on you and Leo. Raphael and Donnie shrug, moving in and hiding behind a wall.

"This popcorn takes so long to make." You mumble, resting your head on your palm. Leo nods in agreement and leans on the counter next to you.

"You liking the movie so far? Mikey always puts on the most random movies." Leo rolls his eyes silently. You shrug, "It's kinda cute, I think. The main character is so pretty, too."

Leo glances over with a smile, "You're the prettiest, you know that, right?"

You chuckle, leaning back up and turning to him, "Thank you." You mutter, before moving in closer to him and pressing your lips onto his. He follows your actions and rests his hands on your hips.

The others watch in shock and excitement, April's eyes twinkle in surprise and Mikey accidentally falls over in excitement. "THAT WAS SOO CUTE!" April squeals.

You and Leo pull away and turn to them in embarrassment. "W-Why were you even there?!" Leo angrily whines.

Raph shrugs, "Just wanted to check out the interior of the kitchen, bro."

Master Splinter sneakily steps out of the shadows and comes into the scene from behind, "Yes, we were only here to check out the interior, my son."



hope you enjoyed 🤍

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
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— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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