sly (part 2) - 2012! turtles x fem! kunoichi! reader

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Sly (Part 2) - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Kunoichi! Reader

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Sly (Part 2) - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Kunoichi! Reader


Request- LetsWHEEZEOut

Request is- "The turtles meet (Y/N) again when she needs their help. She and her friend get captured by the foot while out one night."


"I'm so glad you finally got a break from work, (F/N)!" You exclaim, walking along side your friend. He nods in agreement, "I know right? I've been so busy lately with school and work I'm glad I could spend some of my time off with you."

The two of you begin to discuss about which movie you wanted to go and watch. "I'm cool with either of those two." (F/N) shrugs.

You nod, "Uh, maybe we can see the first option we picked?"

The two of you agree on it and continue on your way. While (F/N) rants about his boss, you glance on ahead and notice a figure that was way too familiar. 

The foot soldier turned his head to the two of you as you continued to walk down the street. You grab your friends hand and drag him to the left. "Isn't the theater just straight? Why'd we turn?"

You try to think of a lie, "U-Uhm, it's usually safer this way."

He decides not to question it any further and continue on his story. You listened and chimed in every now and then, but you were just too focused on worrying about the foot.

You couldn't even process it quickly enough to realize what was happening. A swarm of foot soldiers jumped out from nowhere and began to attack.

'How come I didn't notice them?!' You cursed to yourself. You pulled out a blade from your bag that you always kept on you incase of emergencies.

"Who the hell are these guys?" (F/N)'s eyes are wide in shock.

"Bad people! Just try to defend yourself until we can run for it!" You tell him before knocking two soldiers out. He does as you say and punches some of them away from the two of you.

'I need to call for backup!' You pulled out your phone and sent your location to Mikey. 'I hope he understands that I need help.' You worryingly though, dodging kicks and knives being sent your way.

You suddenly began to feel dizzy, you turn to look for (F/N) and find him collapsed on the ground. Your eyes suddenly shut and your legs gave out, one of the soldiers had released some type of chemical causing the two of you to get knocked out.


"Yo dudes, (Y/N) just sent me her location!" Mikey rubbed the phone in his older brothers faces as he laughed.

"Why would she send her location to you?" Raph angrily asked. Mikey laughs, "Raphies jealous!! Hahaha!"

Mikey quickly stops laughing as soon as he sees Raph's fists ball up in anger, teeth clenching.

Leo furrowed his brows in thought, "That is weird..Mikey, show us where she's at now."

Mikey tapped on the full message. The older turtles eyes widened in shock, "Isn't that..." Donnie mumbles out, Leo nods. "Shredders lair."

"Is (Y/N) hanging out with the Shredder? I didn't know they were friends!" Mikey shoved his phone away, Raph growls in frustration and bonks him on the head.

"She's obviously in trouble and needs our help, idiot!"

"Oh yeah, that makes more sense!"

Donnie, Leo and Raph groan in annoyance as Mikey laughs awkwardly. "Let's go, guys!" Leo commands and they grab their weapons, running out of the sewers in a hurry.


You and (F/N) sit in a cell together. He was obviously confused and tried to push you to answer his questions but you'd brush them off.

"Don't worry, we're gonna get out of here. I have friends who'll help us."

"What kind of friends..?" He cautiously asks.

"...They're not human." You say before the two of you get locked in silence. You and him decide to stop talking, you knew (F/N) was obviously freaking out so you decided to let him be.

You held onto your knees and tucked your face into them. You didn't even know how you were able to get captured so easily, and you didn't even know if (F/N) still wanted to be friends after this.

"(Y/N), I'll get you out in a sec!"

Your head snapped up and turned to see Donnie at the lock. The other three protected him and kept an eye out for any members of the foot.

"You came!" You whisper shouted.

You turned to look at (F/N) who's eyes were as wide as saucers. "They really aren't human.." He whispered.

You stand up and go over to him, "Yeah, but they're really nice guys, don't worry."

Donnie finally picked the lock and carefully opened the cell. The two of you got out and you greeted the boys.

"I'm glad you made it, thank you.." You blushed, a bit embarrassed at the fact you had to call for help.

Leonardo smiles, "It was no problem. Let's get out of here now before someone realizes we're here."

Your escape was successful, even though there were a few foot members you had to knock out throughout your escape. When you finally made it out you instantly hugged each turtle.

The boys were embarrassed, a heavy blush coated on their cheeks.

"This is (F/N), he's my friend. Thank you again for helping us out, guys."

"Yeah, thanks."

The boys smile in appreciation.

"No need to thank us. I'm just glad you were able to send your location to Mikey in time." Leo crosses his arms and smiles.

Mikey excitedly bounces over in front of you and (F/N). "Wanna hang out at the lair with us?!"

(F/N) furrows his brows, "The lair..?"

You laugh awkwardly, "Where's that?"

"In the sewers, of course!" Mikey proudly states. You and (F/N) glance at each other before laughing awkwardly, you think for a moment before offering, "Uhm, how about we just go to my place instead...?"


hope you liked thisss

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open. it won't be opened for long.

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