alone anymore - 2012! karai x fem! half mutant! reader

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Alone Anymore - 2012! Karai x Fem! Half Mutant! Reader────────────────────

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Alone Anymore - 2012! Karai x Fem! Half Mutant! Reader

Request- flamingo-oregano

Request is- "Karai meets (Y/N) and realizes that she may not have to be alone anymore."


Glancing down at the street below her, Karai watches as cars pass by with a bored expression on her face. She usually wouldn't come out around these parts at this time of night, but she needed to clear her mind.

So much had been going on in the girls life, that she felt confused. She felt extremely alone, too. She felt as if nobody else in the world understood her.

The sudden crash of trash cans from an alleyway below and the grunt of pain you released caused Karai to jolt, high alert.

She cautiously peeked over the ledge of the rooftop and stared at the pile of trash on the floor. She lightly slithered back in shock once you stuck your head out of the pile. You hissed in annoyance and stood, a hand on your hip as you winced.

"That fucking hurt.." You cried. Karai watched you with slightly amusement. Karai suddenly gasped in shock at your appearance, you had a tail and horns that she had finally took notice of.

You snapped your head up to her as soon as you heard her, eyes wide in surprise.

You studied her appearance and noticed that she almost resembled you. She had sharp teeth like yours and her eyes were a unusual color. Her hands were the heads of snakes.

"Are you a mutant, too?" You called out to her, your tail slapping away a random cardboard box.

Karai was quiet for a moment until she decided to speak up, " that."

Although you noticed the way she struggled to speak, you grinned in excitement, showing off your teeth to Karai. You jumped up and began to climb up the wall to her. You were desperately wanting to make some friends, you lost all your friends once you became this..thing. You cut all contact with them and ran away.

As you made it over the ledge Karai stepped back cautiously, standing in a fighting position.

You raised your hands in defense, "I'm not gonna hurt ya, jeez.."

She slowly raised her hands down and stared into your eyes. "Are you a snake mutant?"


You walked over to her, your tail dragging from behind, "How long have you been a mutant for?"

She didn't answer. "Okay.." You mumbled.

"What's your name?"

"....Karai." She hissed.

"I'm (Y/N)!"

You smiled at her, "Wanna be friends? You're super pretty and seem cool. I haven't met a lot of mutants and I've actually been pretty alone for a while."

Karai suddenly grew embarrassed at your compliment but hid it. She noticed a small shift in your attitude as you told her. You seemed sadder than before and she slightly frowned, she understood you completely. She decided to take a chance with you and quietly replied.


You cheered, "Sweet!" You zipped to her side and wrapped your arm around her 'shoulder', dragging her closer into you.

"Wanna come to my hideout?! It'll be fun! Where do you live? You got a favorite color? Are you-"

Karai rolled her eyes, but yet, she couldn't understand the unfamiliar feeling that she currently had. She didn't know what it was, but she liked whatever she was feeling when she was around you. She was surprised someone she had just met could slightly cheer her up.

You glanced at her to the side and smiled.

Maybe she didn't have to feel alone anymore.


hope you enjoyed ! i'm glad someone requested for karai. since my requests are still closed technically it's a bit short, sorry!

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. They should be opened in a week maybe. Sorry for the wait guys.

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