on my mind - 2012! karai x GN! reader

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On my mind - 2012! Karai x GN! Reader

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On my mind - 2012! Karai x GN! Reader


Request- Sora_Healer

Request is- "You were on the rooftops with your turtle buddies, but the foot show up with Karai and they attack. When Karai sees you, she instantly finds you attractive and later in the night she comes back and visits you.


"(Y/N) HELP ME!!"

You glanced up from your phone to see Raph chasing Mikey around the rooftop. You had only looked away for a minute, and Raph was already going crazy.

You sighed, standing up and grabbing Mikey and holding him in your arms protectively as Leo tried to calm down Raph.

"(Y/N)!!" Mikey lovingly holds onto you, "You saved me!"

You smiled, patting him on the head just like a parent would. "Of course, Mikey." You giggled, listening as Leo told Raph to go into "timeout."

You were having a great night with the turtle boys. You were just messing around with them and enjoying yourself like you usually do. But, tonight was different. Someone was watching from afar, and you could sense something off.

Your giggling eventually died down, and the feeling started to get worse. "Does anyone else feel...weird?" You ask.

Donnie tilts his head in confusion, "Weird?"

You nod, "I feel like someone's watching us. It's probably just me being paranoid, sorry to ruin
the mood.."

Leo shakes his head, "No, I'm glad you said something. I've been feeling like that too."

The five of you are quiet, listening around carefully. The air had became tense, what if someone really was watching? What if it was a random human and they were able to take pictures of the boys? Or if someone was planning an attack? Multiple thoughts swarmed through everyone's minds.




And that's when you all realized you were right, a thump came from behind and your eyes widened. "It's the Foot!" Raph angrily took out his weapons, spinning them around before grasping onto them tightly.

A woman had jumped down from the shadows, a smirk on her face. She had a unique hair cut, and she had a beautiful face, you thought.

"Karai!" Leo took out his swords, ready to fight. She chuckled, glancing around at the turtles. Her eyes suddenly landed on you, her eyebrows rose in curiosity. The boys notice this, Raph moves to stand in front of you protectively. She winks at you before her and her men rushed in to attack.

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