prove this to you - 2012! leo x fem! reader

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Prove this to you - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader

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Prove this to you - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- PastelColoredZarkon

Request is- "Reader is upset because she couldn't protect Leo during his fight with Shredder when he gets thrown through the window, ending up in a coma. When he finally wakes up she can't bare to look at him because she feels like it's her fault. Leo has to prove himself to her that he'll be okay when he saves her from the creep in the woods."


His hands were a bit cold, eyes puffy and obvious bruises covered his once perfectly green skin.

You took once last glance at him before planting a small kiss on his forehead. You walked out of the bathroom, Raph was outside, leaned up against the wall waiting for you.

The two of you exchanged a silent glance, Raph went in right after you while you went and did something else.

You slowly climbed down the stairs, a slight creaking noise echoed in the house and you winced. You clenched your fists as you stepped outside, taking a seat on the porch.

You took in the view in front of you. The leaves on the trees were dancing in the wind, you've been here for some time now and you still hadn't been able to stop and take in the scenery before you.

You were just too occupied with Leo. He's all you could think about. Worried for him, wanting him to wake up, guilt for not being able to protect him.

'You're the reason he's hurt.' You bitterly thought, clenching your fists so tight you eventually zoned out and forgot all about the stinging feeling.


You finally snapped out of it, turning your head in shock to the source. You could hear your friends running inside, up the stairs. 'Was that Raph calling out?'

"Wait, he's awake? Does he mea-," You gasped in realization, "Leo!" You quickly got up, running inside the farm and up the stairs.

Everyone crowds around the turtle, and when he glances over the two of you lock eyes and it feels like you've been crushed. You quickly glance away.

"Let's get you outta here.." Raph reaches out to Leo, the younger turtles do the same. You decide to meet them downstairs, you quickly make your way down and sit with April and Casey.


Earlier that night, Raph had went out to get some more fire wood but still hadn't returned.

April and Casey split up, Donnie and Mikey went their own direction too. April had suggested you to stay with Leo incase Raph came back and to just protect him in general.

'I can't protect him..' You bitterly thought, watching the four of them go into the woods.

The two of you are silent as you sit together outside. Leo looks at you with uncertainty, he musters up the courage to ask you a question.

"How are you, (Y/N)?" His voice raspy, unfamiliar. You could still hear bits of him, but it was clearly new to you.

"Oh, uh, I'm fine. How about you?" You asked, glancing away, staring into the forest. You couldn't bare to look at him in the eyes.

"I'm fine.."

Leo had gotten up and tried to move, "Come on.." He muttered. You kept a close eye on him, you knew stopping him was useless and he needed to do this.

You got up, following Leo behind quietly. The two of you reached closer to the woods, "Don't go in there, Leo." You finally spoke.

"But they haven't gotten back yet."

Suddenly, April appeared. She drags her feet tiredly, eyes filled with fear. You frown, "Whats wrong, April?" You quickly go over to her, but she falls. Something wraps around her leg and she screams, "(Y/N)!"

April gets dragged into the forest and you pull out your weapon. "Leo, stay here! I'll be back with the others."

You run into the forest, ignoring Leo's cries for you to come back. 'If I couldn't protect you then, I'll surely do it now.'


You thought you could take care of it, but that thing was just too strong. You let out a scream, the vines wrapped around your torso and you struggled.

The Creep stopped crushing you and turned around when a ninja star gets thrown at the back of it's head. There stood Leo, holding onto his cane for support. Eyes white and glaring, he clenches his fists at the sight of your injured form.

"Give me back my family, creep."

You thrash around, trying to break free, "Leo, you can't be out here! It's too dangerous!"

He doesn't listen, instead he takes out his swords and stands his ground. You knew he was anxious, but he was determined you save you and the others.

The creep hangs you to a tree then charges at Leo. The two of the begin to fight, Leo struggles but is able to get a few hits on him.

The creep grabs him, shaking the poor turtle around and then tossing him into the air. Leo
hits the ground, reaching out for his cane desperately as the Creep makes its way towards him.

"Leo, look out!" You cry out before the Creep swings the katana down. Leo is able to protect himself and stabs the Creep.

Leonardo gets up, limping over to you and cutting you down. "Are you okay?"

You nod, "Y-You did it!" You jump onto him and hug him. He hugs you back with a smile, "Yeah, but it's not over yet. Let's get the others!"

You get up and help Leo over to the shed where the others were, occasionally glancing back to make sure the Creep was in place.

You finally make it to the others, helping Casey and April while Leo cuts down his brothers. You block the doors and ready for the Creep to show by.

He crashes through the side of the shed and roars. You and the others begin to throw various attacks it's way, Mikey sends it flying with a kick and your quick to run out of the shed.

After a gruesome battle, Leo finished the Creep with the final blow and you help tie him up.

You glance over to Leo, eyes widen in shock. He glances back at you, and smiles. "I told you, I'll be alright. You don't have to worry, (Y/N)."

You nod, "Yeah. You were right."


hope this was okay!!

and sorry for it being late/rushed, i've been very sick and school has been a lot for me now!

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requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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