dangerous woman - 2012! turtles x fem! shinobi! reader

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Dangerous Woman - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Shinobi! Reader

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Dangerous Woman - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Shinobi! Reader


Request- Cora988

Request is- "The turtles meet a very powerful and beautiful shinobi named (Y/N).


You slice through the krang bots with your weapons, dodging any attacks coming your way. You were here for one purpose- that was to stop these robots from harming any more civilians.

You were able to successfully attack each bot, not a single scratch on you. Finally, you were able to get rid of all the krang bots in your area.

"Hey! You looked so cool fighting those krang bots, lady!"

You turn around and come face to face with a mutant. He's wearing a orange mask and behind him are three other mutants with different colored masks.

"Who are you?" Taking a step back, you hold your weapon tighter.

"Uh, sorry about him." The one in the blue masks steps up and lightly pulls the orange one back. The mutant in red angrily smacks him on the head.

"My name is Leonardo, or just Leo. We're basically brothers and mutant turtles who are ninjas." The other boys introduce themselves, you now know their names and you nod. "I'm (Y/N), looks like we both hate the krang, then. Should we work together?" You offer.

The leader smiles, "Yeah, sure! That'd be great."

"It's always good to have someone strong working with us!" Mikey cheers. Donatello nods in agreement and Raph shrugs his shoulders.

The five of you begin to run down the hallway where the krang hold their new weapon, ready to put an end to it before it's used.

"Alright, we'll hold off the bots and Donnie will try and get the machine to shut down!" Leo shouts, already pulling out his swords for battle.

You and Raph stick together on one side and beat up any bots coming through the door. Eventually, the amount of krang droids coming through decreases and you're able to take a short break. "Nice work." Raph smirks, and you smile, "You too."

Donnie jumps down from the control panel, "I've shut it down- but they'll be able to still use it because the weapon still isn't full destroyed so we should just-"

You take your weapon and slice up the machine, machine parts flow out of it and it breaks. "That should do it." You turn back to your turtle friends who have stars in their eyes.

'(Y/N) is so strong! And pretty!'

Just when your guard is down for a second, sirens begin to blast. "Uhh guys, maybe we should get out of here?" Mikey suggests.

"Yep!" The rest of you agree and bolt out of the room.

"Turn left! We can escape through that door!" Donnie looks down at his phone for the map. Turning left, you all manage to break through the door and escape the building.

The five of you sit together on a rooftop, catching your breaths. "Thanks for all of your help, (Y/N). You're so awesome! All of those awesome attack moves." Leonardo grows red while he compliments you.

"Yeah, you really know how to work that weapon of yours. It's like you and your weapon were made for each other!" Donnie exclaims, a blush coating on his face.

"Shell yeah, dudette! You and those awesome kicks and flips and-" Mikey gets cut off by Raph who awkwardly looks to the side, "I guess you were pretty good.."

Smiling, you thank the boys and compliment them too. "I think we should work together to stop the krang, if you don't mind. If you need any help please call me." You say, showing the boys your number which they save into their own phones.

"That would be great, the more help the sooner we can stop the krang." Leo smiles, shoving his phone away.

Mikey hugs your side, giggling he asks if you'd like to hang at their place and eat pizza with them. You accept and the five of you make your way down into the sewers.

"Hey, (Y/N)...I just had a thought.." Mikey taps his chin while walking through the sewer tunnel.

"Oh no, not good..." Raph grumbles out in annoyance.

"And that is?" You wonder.

"You're kinda like...a dangerous woman- ya know? I wouldn't wanna get on your bad side..." Mikey shivers at the thought of facing you off in a fight. Donnie and Leo nod in agreement.

You giggle, "That won't happen- we're allies and we'll work together forever," You pat Mikey on the shoulder, "Now, let's get some pizza!"


Hope you enjoyed this! I'll be posting more requests soon so please be patient :}

If you want to request, comment on the page titled, 'requests'. It is the very first chapter in the book. DO NOT REQUEST HERE! please 🧍‍♀️

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