putting out the flame - 2012! donnie x fem! mutant lizard! reader

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Putting Out The Flame - 2012! Donnie x Fem! Mutant Lizard! Reader

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Putting Out The Flame - 2012! Donnie x Fem! Mutant Lizard! Reader


Request- skiipplyre

Request is- "Donnie and (Y/N) get into a heated argument, while the two of them are out to fight a villain. (Y/N) gets hurt and when they get back to the lair, they eventually make up.


"I'm just worried for you!" You cried out in frustration. Your tail flicks a bit in annoyance.

You and Donnie had gotten into an argument when Leo told you about how Donnie wouldn't take any breaks from working. He had hoped you, his girlfriend, could at least try and snap him out of it.

"I told you guys already, I'm fine!" He turns away from you and begins to look over at his chemicals.

"I know you wanna get this done, Donnie, but you need to take time to relax just for a bit! It's not healthy.." Your brows furrowed and you frowned.

You and him never really got into any arguments before. You two had only been dating for a few months and this was probably the worst argument you've had yet.

"Why can't you-"

"Guys, we gotta go now!" Leo peeps his head through the doors, interrupting Donnie. The two of you huff in frustration and walk out the lab, following the other three turtles.

The both of you knew this argument was far from over. Donnie knew you were stubborn when it came to you worrying over him and you knew he was stubborn when it came to his work.

As the five of you jumped from building to building, you all had managed to easily break into the krang's hideout.

"Okay, we're gonna split up. Mikey, Donnie and (Y/N) go down that side while me and Raph go the other." Leo commands.

Everyone nods in agreement and head off. Mikey could feel the tension in the air between the two of you and tried to make stupid jokes to calm the both of you down.

You weren't in the mood for his jokes, but you still responded to him. You knew he was only trying to help and you appreciated that. Donnie, however, chose to shush him like usual.

"Okay, Donnie can go and deal with the computer while you and me keep on watch for anyone coming." You turn to Mikey, turning away from Donnie and taking out your weapon. Donnie rolls his eyes and goes to the computer system while Mikey stands close to you.

Mikey glances at you with uncertainty before speaking up, "Uhm, are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You look straight ahead, "I'll be fine, don't worry Mikey." You force yourself to look at him and smile.

The turtle instantly feels better and smiles back in excitement. "Okay!"

Suddenly the blaring of alarms set off and you could hear the footsteps of krang bots approaching. "Shoot! Get ready, Mikey!" You stand in defense. Mikey nods and follows along.

You glance back at Donnie in worry, obviously wishing he'd hurry it up. You didn't wanna add fuel to the fire by rushing him, you knew he'd get even more frustrated.

It started to get even worse when more bots poured into the room. "Could you hurry up a little, D?!" Mikey cries out in fear as he swings his nunchucks around.

"I'm trying!" He shouts back.

You weren't able to protect yourself when one of the bots snuck up from behind you and shocked you, badly. You fell onto the floor in pain and clenched your teeth. "Ow!" You hissed.

Donnie quickly stops and looks over, "(Y/N)!" He gasps in worry. He gathers his things and rushes over to you. "Can you stand?" He asks, helping you up and you shake your head.

"I can, but it's hard to right now.." You mumble. Donnie picks you up and tells Mikey it's time to go. The three of you rush out with a few bots following on your trail.

You're able to lock them in when Donnie shuts one of the doors. The three of you regroup with Leo and Raph and hurry back to the lair.


"How's that feel..?" Donnie quietly asks. You nod, "It's fine, I feel better."

He nods and sets his tools to the side, "Look, I-I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

You glance up in surprise, "About our argument earlier?"

He nods, "I shouldn't have gotten angry with you. I know you're only trying to look out for me and I appreciate that. I always seem to be locked up in here working myself to death, you're right."

You smile, "Don't worry, Donnie. I'm glad you're starting to realize. Your brothers were also really worried about you too. I'm sorry if I came off as annoying or anything..."

He sighs, "You don't need to, apologize, please. I promise I'll start taking breaks. Staying in the lab isn't just bad for me, but it is for you too. Sorry I haven't been spending time with you lately.." He scratches the back of his neck in guilt. "I promise I'll be a better boyfriend to you. And..a better brother too."

You smile, throwing your arms out. Donnie already knows what you want and wraps his arms around you, "I love you, Donnie." You whisper.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."


i hope you liked this! ❤️

sorry it took long, been busy with school D: !!!

requests: CLOSED! will be opened soon :) !

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