to worry for you - 2012! raph x fem! reader

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To worry for you - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader

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To worry for you - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader


Request- tsukisaiki

Request is- "Raph has been dating (Y/N) for a very long time now, but has never known that she plays volleyball. Raph starts to get concerned when (Y/N) comes to the lair with bruises, and starts to assume for the worst.


Raphael and you have been dating for as long as he could remember, and in that time he's gotten to know you pretty well.

At least, that's what he thought.

He's always picked up on the tiniest things that you do, things that most people wouldn't notice. You two have shared your deepest secrets with one another, he was so convinced that he truly knew you.

The turtle started to get fed up and nervous whenever you'd come to the lair covered in bruises and scratched on your legs and wrists.

He didn't pry into it too much at first when he noticed them, he'd ask if she was alright but that was it.

It came to a point where you'd take longer to answer his calls, texts or you'd have less time to hang out than usual.

It kept Raphael up late at night as thoughts swarmed through his head on what could be the reason for your behavior. He even talked to Master Splinter, who also seemed concerned and encouraged Raphael to ask.

One night Raphael decided to step out of the lair and head to your place. He quietly peeked through your window and knocked.

He couldn't see you inside, he noticed your father in the other window sitting in the living
room and sighed.

'Is she out? It's already 7 at night, she's supposed to be home now..' , he thought, 'Maybe she's with her friends. Yeah, that's it. Right?'

Raphael decided to sit around for a little while longer waiting for you to show up. When he heard the sound of light footsteps he immediately jumped, watching as you heading inside with a duffel bag.

'Why the shell does she even have that..' He thought, slipping your window open and hoping in.

He waits, listening to your footsteps coming closer to your room. You opened the door and jumped slightly at your boyfriend, "Hey! What're you going here?"

He frowned, "What's been going on? You're barely around anymore and you've been slow on answering my texts and calls."

You took a minute to process his words and cocked a brow in confusion.

"Why do you always come to the lair with bruises and cuts?", He was quiet before speaking up again, "...Is something happening at home? Is someone messing with you at school?"

Your eyes widened suddenly, "What? Of course I'm fine! I thought I told you that I started playing volleyball a while ago.."

Raph's eyes widened, "I didn't know you played volleyball! What the heck, (Y/N)? You scared me.."

You frowned, dropping your bag and walking
over to him. Wrapping your arms around him, you sighed.

"I'm sorry, Raph! Practice results in all these cuts, I understand why you'd be worried," You pulled away and smiled, "Thank you for worrying, but I'm fine!"

Raph released a breath he didn't know he was holding, it felt as if all the weight was lifted off his shoulders and he relaxed, "I guess it was just a misunderstanding, then. I-I'm glad you're alright."

Smiling, you speak, "Thank you. Raphael. I love you."

He smiled awkwardly in return, "Heh, I love you too."


hope you enjoyed this ! thanks for requesting 💕

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you

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