cool down - 2012! turtles x snappy! male! reader

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Cool down - 2012! Turtles x Snappy! Male! Reader

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Cool down - 2012! Turtles x Snappy! Male! Reader


Request- LizethDelgado864

Request is- "(Y/N)'s been having a hard time lately, he's been stressed and hasn't had enough sleep which causes him to snap at the turtles."


You knew today wasn't going to be a good day. You had barely gotten any sleep last night, and when you finally managed to go to sleep you accidentally woke up late and barely had any time to get to school.

Your clothes looked like a mess, they were wrinkled and your shoes definitely didn't go well with the rest of your outfit. And to make things worse, you skipped breakfast and you were extremely hungry.

You barely had enough money for a decent lunch and your teacher seemed to enjoy picking on you this afternoon.

'Only two more periods, work and then home time...' You laid your head down onto your desk. You couldn't be bothered to listen to what was going on. If it was important, you'd just get April to sum it all up for you later.

Eventually the class ended and you shoved your book into your bag violently, dragging yourself to your final class of the day.


"Finally, schools out!" Casey shouts as he walks along side you and April. You barely listen to what they're saying, you were zoned out and dragging yourself at this point.

"(Y/N)!" April shouts, causing your eyes to widen. "What?" You mumble.

April frowns, "Me and Casey are gonna go to the rink, do you wanna come?"

You shake your head, "Sorry, I've got work today. Maybe next time?"

Casey and April agree and bid you farewell. You continue on your way and sigh at the thought of work. Dealing with annoying customers and their crying children.

A couple of hours later, you had finally finished your shift and it was 9 PM. 'I need to finish up my homework before it's due tomorrow.' You rub your temples in frustration and turn the corner. You were suddenly stopped by a familiar turtle in orange and jumped back.

"(Y/N), how've ya been dude?!" He shouts, a little too loudly for your liking.

You really enjoyed hanging with Mikey, but he was one of the last people you'd wanna be around at the moment. Especially since you had gotten yelled at by a customer around an hour ago and couldn't deal with the loudness again.

"I'm fine, I just need to-"

You were cut off by the other three jumping down over to you. You don't know how it started but Raph and Leo some how managed to get into another one of their usual arguments.

'Please god- can't they just go away for now and do some weird Krang stuff?!' You clenched your fists in anger as all four of them surrounded you, asking for multiple things at once and spouting random nonsense.

"SHUT UP! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONE NIGHT!" You scream, causing the four to stop and stare in surprise.

Leo cautiously reaches out to you, "...Uhh, are you feeling okay, (Y/N)?"

You sigh out of frustration, "No. I just really need to go home. Sorry's just not my day." You feel guilty for yelling and loosing your cool like that, but the turtles don't yell back.

"It's fine, (Y/N). We all get like that every now and then. Sorry for coming onto you like that.." Donnie apologizes, giving you a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I get it, dude. Living with these three idiots can be frustrating." Raph comments, pointing at the three. Mikey glares at him for a second before turning to you, "Let's hang out when you're able to!" He pays you on the shoulder and Leo nods.

You smile tiredly, "Thanks for understanding, you guys. I don't ever really loose my cool like that..."

Leo places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "We know you didn't have any real bad intentions, (Y/N). We'll see you later, yeah?"

You nod, bidding farewell to your turtles friends as the five of you head in different directions.

"Ya know, It was kinda scary to see (Y/N) flip like that..he was kinda like Raph!" Mikey comments as the four of them sit on top of a rooftop, waiting for the Krang.

"Shut up, Mikey.." Raph growls.

Mikey begins to laugh, teasing Raph some more until he started to get chased around by his older brother.

Donnie scrolls through his T-Phone, choosing to ignore the two. "Maybe I could help (Y/N) out with any of their school work..." He mumbles as he scrolls.

Leo crosses his arms as he watches the street carefully for any signs of the Krang. "Yeah, that would be nice. Alright, another mission we'll have from now on is to check up on (Y/N) every now and then to make sure he's okay, alright, guys?"



hope you enjoyed ! ❤️

remember everyone, if you're ever stressed out and need some time to yourself, then that's okay :] do what's best for you. i love u all ❤️

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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