my angel - 2014! leo x fem! reader

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My Angel - 2014! Leo x Fem! Reader

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My Angel - 2014! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- AngelRosePhoenix

Request is- "Everyone calls (Y/N) an angel due to the fact that she's so incredibly sweet and kind. This causes Leo to get a crush on the reader and his brothers decide to help out."


"Man, she really is an angel..."

Leonardo sighed dreamily as he watched you feed a stay kitten behind a trash can. He gives you a soft smile as he watches from afar, admiring the way your eyes shine in kindness for the kitten and the comforting feel of your beautiful smile.

You eventually get up and wave goodbye to the small feline, making your way back to your apartment.

"Are ya just gonna stare at (Y/N) all day when we're trying to patrol? C'mon Leo!" Raph slaps the back of his head, jumping off. Leo groans in annoyance before following.

Although while he patrols, he couldn't help but stop to think about- well, you! The way you were just like a real life angel living on this cursed planet. Leo and everyone thought of you to be so sweet, kind, loving and caring.

It's like everything good and sweet in the world created you and sent you to Earth to share your kindness with the world.

That's what made Leo fall for you in the first place- you were just what he wanted, and needed. You were always there to help him when he was stressed from the other boys (especially Raph-) and to encourage him to do and be his best everyday.

Eventually when patrol was over, the four turtles went back to their home for the night. While Leo went over to talk to Master Splinter, the other three turtles decided to come together to have a "talk".

"We gotta help the guy out! He's miserable!" Mikey cried out in frustration.

"But what should we do?" Donnie asks, placing his finger on his chin in thought.

Raph thinks for a moment before smirking, "I've for an idea, listen up- this plan is on the go tomorrow night!"


And when the next day came, Leo had asked where his brothers were running off to in the evening but they shooed him off.

The brothers got to work quickly and even had April come and provide them with the needed materials for the plan to commence.

Eventually, when the clock struck 12, the plan was finally set. Now, it was time to put it into action.

You got a text from Raphael telling you to meet him on the rooftop of an old warehouse, when you finally got there it looked like the place had been cleaned up and decorated nicely. "Uh, what's going on guys?" You questioned.

The boys cheekily each have you a blue rose, happily you accepted and thanked them each. Leonardo popped in from the other side of the rooftop and made his way over, "Why'd you guys call me out so late and- Why did you call out (Y/N) this late?! It's not safe at this time!" The blue-masked leader hissed.

Mikey laughed and pat him on his shell, "Here's your chance now, take it!"

Donnie smiles at his brother before pulling Mikey and running off. Raph smirks while shooting his brother a teasing smirk, "Just the two of you now. Don't you gotta tell (Y/N) something, fearless leader?"

The other three turtles run off back to the lair while Leo and you stand alone. Leonardo nervously laughs, "U-Uh, sorry about them, (Y/N). I didn't think they'd call us out so late..."

You smile, "That's okay! You have to tell me something, right? So what's up?"

The turtle swallows thickly and lets out a deep breath. He nervously looks up to you and takes your hands into his. "(Y/N)- I'm just gonna get this out, I like you. And I do for numerous reasons, but the one main one being the fact that you're such an amazing person. You're like an angel- my angel.."

Your eyes widen and your cheeks explode red. 'Just like one of those fanfics! I'm literally living the (Y/N) life right now!'

You smile at the turtle and hug him, "I like you too, for a really long time too actually..."

Leonardo quickly hugs you back with no hesitation. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that."

You chuckle, "I'm glad the boys set this up. You gonna lecture them later?"

Leonardo thinks for a second, "I'm in a good mood now, so I'll see. And besides, that doesn't matter now. I'm just gonna spend it with you for the rest of the night."

The two of you stare into each other's eyes as the moonlight shines into your eyes.

'Damn, (Y/N) really looks like an angel tonight. I am so damn lucky, I gotta thank the guys for this one...'


Hope you enjoyed!!!

Stay safe everyone, i'm also finishing up more requests cause I'm starting to be less busy and getting more free time :]

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