promise - 2012! leo x fem! injured! reader

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Promise - 2012! Leo x Fem! Injured! Reader

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Promise - 2012! Leo x Fem! Injured! Reader


Request- leddergirl

Request is- "Instead of Leo being injured by Shredder, it's (Y/N). Leo is extremely worried for her as she's injured, once she finally wakes up Leo fills her in on everything that has occurred while she was out. Eventually Leo confesses and makes a promise."


Leo sat by you tiredly, staring down at the floor waiting for any response from you. He waited, and waited and waited for you to wake up but you still hadn't moved.

Every day he'd sit by you and wait for you to wake up. He missed you and wanted you back. He cursed himself every night, 'It should've been me', 'Why wasn't I able to protect her?!'

All these thoughts swarmed in his head, chewing him out alive. The door suddenly, but slowly, creaked open. "Come on Leo, call it a night." Raph spoke softly.

Leo didn't move or say anything. Raph stood there for a moment watching him. When he understood that Leo would continue to stay for longer, he shut the door and went off to bed.

Leo stayed with you for a couple more hours until he had the courage to stand up, "I'll see you in a little bit, good night, (Y/N)." Leo mumbles.

He takes one last glance at your injured figure and walks out the bathroom. He lays down onto the bed and stares up at the ceiling.

'(Y/N), I'm sorry.'


The next morning his brothers had convinced him to spend some more time outside training. He trained for the entire day until he decided to call it a day and head back to you.

It was late at night, Leo held his head up with one hand and stared at you. He suddenly jolted when he saw you beginning to move, making noises of discomfort. Leo quickly stood up in shock, waiting for anything.

You slowly opened your eyes, blinking to try and get adjusted to the light. "Ughh.." You hissed out.

You could feel the way your body was shut off, it was stiff and didn't feel the same. "What..?" You mumbled.

Leo's eyes began to well with tears, "(Y/N).."

You carefully shifted your head to the side and looked up at him, "..Leo?" Your voice was raspy and it was hard for you to talk.

He rushed to your side, holding onto you, "I'm here, (Y/N). Everything's okay."

You sighed, shutting your eyes for a second. You could feel Leo hold onto you tighter so you opened your eyes, "..What happened?"

He frowned, "I'll fill you in on everything later. Let's get Donnie up here first."


After you'd been filled in with everything that was going on, you were shocked. So much had happened and you couldn't help but feel a bit useless.

You thought you were weak for getting beaten that easily, you were surprised the others took care of you for that long. Especially Leo.

Later that night, you sit outside and admire the stars. You hadn't been this close to nature in a long time, it made you feel a lot calmer and peaceful.

"Hey, got room for another?"

You nodded, "Always, Leo." The sound of his voice made you smile.

The boy took a seat next to you, the both of you were in a comforting silence until Leo decided to be the first to speak up.

"I'm really glad you're back, (Y/N)." He began.

You sighed, "Thanks, Leo. Sorry for being such a burden.."

He quickly snapped his head to you, eyes wide, "That's not true! You're the one who saved me, it's my fault you got hurt in the first place.."

You shook your head, "It's not your fault, I just had to take the blow. Because I care about you a lot."

Leo nervously glanced down at you, "(Y/N)," His voice was shaky as he spoke. You turned to him, your eyes twinkled in the light and Leo could feel his heart jump.

"I promise that I'll always be the one to protect you, no matter what. I love you, (Y/N)."

It took you a second to come back down to Earth after hearing his words, but when you did you began to smile, "I love you too, Leo."


hope you liked this.

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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