far from the truth - 2012! turtles x gn! chubby! reader

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Far from the truth - 2012! Turtles x GN! Chubby! Reader

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Far from the truth - 2012! Turtles x GN! Chubby! Reader


Request- Sora_Healer

Request is- "Reader has been feeling insecure about their weight, they wear baggier clothes more than usual to cover themselves up. The turtles eventually notice their behavior and when they try to figure out what's wrong, they hear (Y/N) speaking negatively to themselves."


You let out a frustrated sigh, looking into the mirror in front of you.

Taking in the sight for a moment, you clench your fists in frustration and kick your nearby trash can to the side.

You can hear the voices of those kids mocking you. They thought you didn't hear them, but you did. Their comments on your weight really caused damage, you were growing more and more insecure as days went by.

You thought the best way to protect yourself from their comments to be by wearing baggier clothes and large hoodies to school.

Even thought it was getting hotter out, you still continued to hide yourself from everyone. It would be easier to avoid their terrible comments.

You began to tug at your skin, pulling on your cheeks and slapping them, "This doesn't look good.."

You tugged on your arms, ignoring the burning feeling it gave you, "Too much fat.."

You lifted up one of your legs and frowned, "Disgusting."

About to burst into tears at any given moment, your attention was removed from your body to the window when you heard multiple loud thumps.

"Now that's far from the truth, and you know that."

Glancing to the side, you were met with the familiar faces of the turtle brothers.

"Leo.." You began, rubbing your arm in embarrassment.

"You're awesome, (Y/N)! Don't say that stuff!" Mikey reassures you, rushing over to wrap a comforting arm around you. "You're the coolest looking human to ever exist!"

Your eyes widen slightly, and they begin to fill with light tears. "You always look great to us, (Y/N). No matter what- you always do." Donnie comforts.

Raph nods, "Yeah, and if anyone else says otherwise I'll shove them so far down a pile of garbage they won't be able to get out." You knew he wasn't the best with sappy, encouraging words, but you smiled.

You giggle, "Yeah, you're right. Thank you guys, so much."


hope this was okay!!

and sorry for it being late/rushed, i've been very sick and school has been so annoying!

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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