accidents and losses - 2012! turtles x fem! angry! reader

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Accidents and Losses - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Angry! Reader

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Accidents and Losses - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Angry! Reader


Request- Demon_Kat138

Request is- "Recently the reader has been feeling super angry, and can't control her anger. She's normally a sweet person but looses her temper to the boys. She gets kicked out of the lair and they soon get told that the reader has lost someone close to them."


You weren't one to get angry. Everyone knew you as the sweetest, most kindest girl ever and something finally went off. You weren't yourself, you were the exact opposite of who you were.

Recently you have just been so angry. So lost and confused that you seemed to have been pushing others away from you.

Your parents started to notice your behavior and tried to talk to you about it, instead you just brushed them off.

You lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. You shift your weight to the side and stare deep into the picture frame on your wall. You glanced at yourself then shifted your gaze to her.

Someone very important to you had recently passed away. Your best friend. Her death was just so unexpected and so sudden.

The last thing she said to you was that she'd see you tomorrow, but she couldn't now.

"(F/N)..." You mumble, clenching your blanket in frustration. You stay still for a few seconds before forcefully throwing yourself out of bed.

You went over to your closet and pulled out some cleaner clothes. You were heading out to the lair, the boys had been begging you to swing by. You accepted, you hadn't seen them in a while.

The last time you were in the lair was when you were with Splinter in the dojo. You had gotten a phone call and that's when your best friends mother told you about the death. Splinter had tried to reach out to you but instead you quickly ran out of there. Desperate to get to the hospital quickly.

And now you were finally back. You had climbed down into the sewer and took your usual route to the guys' home.

When you finally reached Mikey was quick to greet you.

You couldn't take being around them, it just hurt so badly. You wanted to be alone- You needed to be alone. Only wanting to crawl into your bed and stay there for ever.

You didn't know what demon possess you, but when Mikey said some stupid joke you finally lost it. "You're so annoying!" You hissed.

Mikey's eyes widened in shock and he was confused. You've never acted like this before, and it was starting to worry him.

"...Uh, are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You clench your fists, "Well I'm not anymore after having to come down here! Why couldn't you guys just leave me alone. I don't even wanna be here!"

Raph and Donnie quickly came over, Donnie quickly begins to comfort Mikey even though he's hurt by your words, too.

"What the heck, (Y/N)? I thought we were your friends!" He crosses his arms. He's angry, but more confused. He knows somethings wrong with you because he knows you'd never act like this.

"What ever." You roll your eyes, Leo comes over after heading the commotion, "Um, you should probably leave now, (Y/N)." He gives you a light glare and you roll your eyes again.

"Thank GOD! Now quit bothering me." You say, turning around and storming out of the lair. Splinter watches from afar, a frown on his face as he watches you rush out of the lair.

"What in the world up with (Y/N)..?" Raph mumbles, watching your figure disappear as you turn the corner.


Days had passed since your outburst, and you felt terrible. You didn't mean what you said, you were just upset because of the loss of (F/N). You felt guilty that night, you thought (F/N) would be angry with you if you were to hang out with your other friends.

You didn't want her to think that you were forgetting about her, never in a million years would you ever want that.

On the other hand, the boys were upset. Leo was angry with you, while Mikey and Donnie were upset with your words.

Raphael on the other hand was worried for you. He knew who you were, and knew that something was wrong. He knew you didn't mean anything that you said, but was confused on what drove you to act like that.

"Boys, come to the dojo." Splinter calls out to them. The four get up and get in, Leo slides the door shut and the four of them sit in front of them their father.

"I know you are upset with (Y/N) and what she said-"

Leo cuts him off, "Of course we are! We're her friends, why would she even say that?"

There's a weird feeling in the lair, Splinter decides to continue, "(Y/N) is not doing too well, my sons. She has recently lost someone who was very dear to her. A very close friend who she loved. (Y/N) is very confused and upset right now."

The turtles eyes widen, a sudden pool of worry drowns them.

"I too, know what she is going through. We should all be here to support (Y/N) currently. We wouldn't want her to loose any more friends and to feel even more upset with not just life, but herself. You children all need to have a talk."

The boys all glance at each other and nod, thanking their Sensei before running out of the lair and to your apartment.

When they reach, Leo hesitantly knocks on the window. It takes a minute for you to open the window for them. "What are you guys doing here?" You ask in surprise.

"Can we come in?" Donnie asks.

You move over and let them into your room. The five of you are silent, not sure who'll start first.

Leo steps up, "Uh, we just heard what happened, (Y/N). We're really sorry for your loss.."

Mikey nods, "I understand you didn't mean what you said." His eyes water slightly.

You shake your head no, "But I still shouldn't have said what I said. I couldn't control my anger and frustration. I'm so sorry guys, that must've hurt you.."

"We're fine now, (Y/N). We just hope that everything can go back to normal soon." Donnie shrugs, a small smile on his face. You return the smile and nod, "Group hug?"

Mikey quickly jumps onto you, Donnie awkwardly joins in and so does Leo. It takes Raph a moment before he shuffles over in embarrassment.

"I love you guys, I hope I'll never loose you!"

"We love you too, (Y/N)."


hope you liked this lololol

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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