it's over?

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"We'll miss you," Nick says to his mom as he gives her a hug.

"I'll miss you guys too," she says. She pulls away from Nick with tears in her eyes. I knew this would be hard for her and for Nick. She ended up staying longer, so it's definitely hard for her to leave.

She steps over to me and wraps me in a huge hug, "Again, Addison, I'm sorry for what I said and for triggering your attack. That wasn't my intention at all. I hope you aren't mad."

"I was never mad, mom," I say to her. "I'm okay and there is no need to keep on apologizing to me."

"Thank you," she says. She pulls away from the hug and smiles, "I'll miss you. Take care of my boy for me."

"Always," I say.

She then kisses Nick on the cheek and walks to her gate. I stand closer to Nick and he wraps his arm around me as I lay my head on his shoulder. We watch her walk away until we can't see her anymore.

"Movie and cuddles?" I ask.

He smiles lightly, "Yes, please."

I nod my head, "Let's get home then."


"She gone?" Edwin asks me as Nick walks upstairs to his room.

"Yes," I say. "He's pretty upset about it."

"He's always been close to his mom," Edwin says, "It always hits him hard when he can't be with her."

"I know," I say. "I wish she lived closer, so he didn't have to feel this way."

Edwin starts laughing, "No, I think you guys should be thankful that your parents don't live close. Eventually, they are over everyday and wanting to do your laundry for you like you are six again."

"Maybe that's not a bad thing," I smile

"It's a horrific thing," Edwin says. "The first year after I graduated I had to deal with it and it was absolutely awful."

"You should be thankful that she loves you," I say to him.

"I am so thankful for her, but sometimes it gets to be too much," he says.

"I get that," I say. "Uh, I'm going to go upstairs now. I promised to watch movies with Nick."

"Okay, have fun. Don't forget about tonight though," he says.


"Addison! You already forgot!"

"What?" I ask. "You know that I don't pay attention to anything anymore."

"I know," he says. "I don't know what you would do if you didn't have Nick. You would simply be dead in the streets."

"You got that right," I say.

"But anyways," he says. "We have the dinner at the center tonight with everyone."

"I have to go?"

"Yes, Ads."

I roll my eyes and I start to make my way up the stairs. Once I'm halfway up, I start to fake cough, "Oh, wow. Look at the time. I'm not feeling the best."

"Addison Rose! You are going!" He yells once I'm at the top of the stairs.

"Yea, yea," I mumble to myself.

I stop at the top of the stairs to catch my breath for a second. For some reason I haven't been feeling the best and I don't know why.

After standing for a few seconds I start to feel like I'm going to throw up. I run into the nearest bathroom which is in Zion's room. I run to the toilet and I throw everything up.

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