don't leave me here

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Nick and I go downstairs and we see that there is another box sitting on the coffee table in the living room. Rose wasn't wrong about receiving more boxes of shit. I don't even want to know what's in this one.

"Does it have Hardin's name on it?" Nick asks.

"Yes," Zion says. "It's the same boxing as the last time and it smells awful."

"Someone needs to open it," Izzy says.

"I'm not," I say.

"Me either," Izzy says. "One of the boys needs to do it."

"I'll do it," Nick says. He walks over to the coffee table and opens the box. He scrunches his nose together and he frowns. I'm guessing because of the smell.

"What is it?" I ask.

He pulls out a piece of paper, "It's a foot and uh a note."

"Read it," Edwin says.

He opens the letter and starts to read, "You all know who this is. But in case you guys are stupid it's Hardin and his crew. It's almost time to get back at you bastards for everything you guys have done."

"Hold up," Zion interrupts him, "What the hell have we done to them?"

"Let's see," I say. "All the drama with Sasha and Elom, we left the gang, Nick beat Hardin up because he found out his secret, and I broke up with Hardin."

"But all of that was because of them," Zion says. "That all happened because of them. He cheated on you, but you didn't do shit. Nick only beat him up to protect you and we left the gang because of them too."

"I know that," I say. "But they will always somehow make us seem like the bad guys even though we didn't do shit."

"Just let him continue," Brandon says.

Nick continues, "I'm sure you guys don't really know what is coming for you. You'll find that out soon. Most likely next week. I suggest you don't even try and prepare. You guys are all going to be in for a rude awakening. I hope you all have a great week since it'll probably be your last. Love, The Kings."

"They call themselves the kings?" Edwin asks. Of course he is pissed about that since he picked the name.

I step forward because I want to look at the foot. I don't know why, but I need to see the damn foot. I just don't understand why they are doing this shit.

"Ma, what are you doing?"

"Looking at the foot," I say.

Nick steps in front of me, "No. You don't need to see it."

"I do," I say. "I need to. I think everyone should look at it. What if we notice something about the foot? Or what if there is something in common with the hand?"

"No," he says. "You don't need to look at it, mamas."

"Yes," I go around him and I quickly open the box. I look inside and I gasp super loud. This is why he didn't want me to look.

"Mamas," he says quietly.

"That's, that's her anklet," I say. My eyes start to water. I'm trying my hardest not to break down right here, right now.

"I know," he whispers.

"What's going on?" Edwin asks.

I look up at Nick with glossy eyes and my lip starts to quiver, "It's h-hers. I s-still have m-mine on." I lift my pant leg to show him my anklet that I still wear everyday.

"I know, I know."

"What anklet?" Elom asks.

"That's, uh, its hers." Right when I say that I break down and I start to bawl. I start to fall to the ground, but before I can completely fall Nick catches me and we both go down to the ground, gently together.

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