why are u here ?

347 11 3

(Nick's pov)

"I don't understand," Edwin says. "Why would he send that?"

"He didn't even send a note or anything," Izzy says. "We have no clue what this means."

"We should call him," Zion says.

"Hell no," I say. "None of us are talking to that asshole."

"Well what are we supposed to do with a hand?" Zion asks. "It's a human hand and it's real."

"Throw it away," Elom says casually.

"And not tell anyone?" Izzy asks. "How are we supposed to figure out what this means?"

"You don't," Elom says. "Gangs do stupid shit like this all the time. You won't figure it out, so all you can do is throw it out."

"How do you know what to do?" Zion asks.

"Because I've had plenty of human body parts sent to me before," he says. "And I never figured out why. The only thing I could do was throw it out and forget about it."

"I don't think we should do that," Edwin says.

The front door opens up and I see Addison walk in. She has her hair in a messy bun and she has on super comfortable clothes. She looks absolutely beautiful.

"Why not?" Elom asks. "What are you going to do? Send it to the cops?"

"What are we sending to the cops?" Addison asks as she walks over to us. "And why the hell does it smell like ass in here?"

"That would be the smell of human flesh," Elom says. "It smells great, right?"

"You're gross," I say.

Elom starts laughing, "I know."

"Seriously, what is it?" Addison asks again.

"Look in the box," I point to the box in front of all of us.

She steps to the box and slowly opens it. Once it's open she gasps and jumps back closing the box super fast.

"What the hell is that?"

"A hand," Izzy says.

"Sent from your amazing ex," Zion says.

"Hardin sent this?" She asks. "Why the hell would he send us a hand?"

"To try and freak us out," Edwin says. "We don't really know. He didn't leave a note or anything. It's just a hand and the box has his return name on it."

"I'm calling him."

"No," I say.

She pulls her phone out and starts to go to his contact name. I wonder why she still even has his number. I definitely would have deleted that right away, but whatever.

"You can't call," Izzy says.

"Why the hell not?"

"That just shows that we are freaked out," Izzy says. "It shows that we are falling for whatever the hell he is doing."

"I don't care," she says as she puts her phone to her ear. I quickly take it from her and I hit end on the call. "Nick!"

"No," I say. "You aren't calling him."

"Why not? I want to know why the fuck he is sending human body parts to our home. What kind of person does that shit?"

"Sick people," Elom says.

"Let's just pitch it," Izzy says. "Maybe it doesn't mean anything. He's probably just trying to scare us."

"I agree," I say. "Let's just leave it alone."

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