house in texas

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I haven't said a word to anyone. They have no clue what's happening. They have no idea what I just watched on my phone. I feel like I should tell them, but I don't know how. How do I tell them that Addison was just raped and the video was sent to me. It's not that simple.

"Your destination is on your left," the gps says.

I look out at the window and I see the house that Sasha used to own. She told me that she got rid of it, but that must of been a lie too. She lies about a lot of things.

Our uber driver parks the car and we all get out. Edwin thanks the man and he drives away.

"What's the plan?" Brandon asks.

"We can't just walk in there," Austin says. "I know that they have a lot of men in there."

"What if they don't?" I ask. When I watched the video the place seemed super empty and quiet. They might have people in different locations. I don't know if there is a lot here though.

"There is no way to tell," Edwin says. "We can't just walk in. They would kill us."

"We can too," I say. I lift up my shirt and I grab the gun that I brought. I don't even know if anyone else brought theirs.

"Nick, you have to be reasonable here," Izzy says, "You can't just walk in there by yourself with no backup."

I load my gun up and it makes the big click sound, "Watch me."

I start to walk to the house and I hear them all yelling at me to come back. I can't do that though. I can't come back. I have to go in there and get her. I can't let her stay there any longer.

"Nick! Wait up!" Zion yells. I turn to the side a bit and I see them all trying to catch up to me. They all have weapons too. I'm glad I wasn't the only smart one that brought shit.

"How are we doing this?" Brandon asks once they catch up to me.

"I don't know," I say. "We just need to go in and be as quiet as we can. We can't be loud or anything. We search the entire place and our only goal is to find her."

"And if we don't?" Edwin asks.

"We will," I say.

We all start to walk to the house again. We get to the back door and I quietly open it. I look inside to see nobody around which is a miracle. I thought tons of people would be here.

All of us go inside and we start to look around, but we see absolutely nobody. Nobody is in the kitchen or living area. It's completely silent and it's almost like nobody is even here to begin with.

"They aren't here," Izzy says quietly.

"We checked everywhere?" I ask. "Every room was checked?"

"How many floors are there?" Edwin asks.

When he asks me that I instantly remember Sasha telling me that there is two floors. She always told me that she used the basement for private dance lessons. I'm sure she used it for other things too, but that's what I got told.

They are most likely keeping her down there though. I was never aloud down there when we were dating. Most likely because she was cheating or looking at ways to kidnap people like she did to Addison.

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