stay right here w me

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING. very touchy subject below. if you are offended by things very easily please don't read. i'll put a warning sign below where the actual triggering parts are. the whole chapter isn't touchy, but some parts are. either don't read it or skip over. much love and if anyone ever needs to talk i'm always here. my messages are always open⚠️


I thought finding Addison would take forever, but it was quite simple. She was already in the rental car waiting for me.

I get in the car and I look at her. She's not crying and she doesn't look sad anymore. The only thing she looks is pissed off. I don't blame her though. Her parents are complete assholes and she shouldn't be treated that way at all.

"Do you want to just go stay at a hotel?"

"No," she says, "I want to go home."

"What about the funeral?" I ask.

"I'm not going," she says. "They don't want me there, so why should I go?"

"Because she is your sister and you both love each other," I say. "Ashley didn't do anything wrong. She would want you there."

"I don't care," she says, "I'm tired of all of the constant bullshit. I'm not going."

"You are going to regret it," I say. "How about you just sleep on it tonight and if you still want to leave in the morning, we can."

"Nick, I said no."

I sigh, "Okay, whatever. Do you have your passport and shit?"

"No, it's all in the house."

"I'll go get it," I say. "Where is it?"

"In my room with all of my bags," she says.

I nod my head, "I'll be back."

I get out of the car and I walk back up to the house. I go inside without knocking or anything. At this point I really don't care.

Once I'm in Addison's room I grab her bags and anything else I see laying around that she will need. She didn't bring much, so it's not that difficult.

I walk out of her bedroom and I'm stopped by Lexi, "You guys are leaving?" She asks while looking down at the bags in my hands.

"They don't want her here," I say.

"Yes, they do," she says, "They are just very stressed and exhausted."

I shake my head, "They don't want her here, Lexi. They said that months ago too when we told them we were moving."

"Well where are you guys staying?"

"Home," I state.

"You aren't staying? The funeral is in two days," she says.

"Addison doesn't want to stay," I say. "If she wants to go back home then I'm going to take her back home."

"She's not thinking straight, Nick. You can't let her go home and miss the funeral."

I shrug my shoulders, "It's her decision. She wants to go home and that's where I'm taking her."

"She's going to regret it forever."

I sigh, "Don't you think I already told her that? She's hurting though and she wants to go back home. I'm taking her back."

"Okay," she whispers, "Just don't let her do anything stupid."

"I won't," I say. I walk past her and I go down the big stairs. I walk back to the car and I put her bags in the trunk.

I get back in the car and I close my door. I look over at her and she is resting her head on the window with her eyes closed. It's hard to tell if she's asleep or not and I don't want to wake her if she is asleep.

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