'wE uNdeRsTaNd'

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"Do you remember anything?" I ask Addison as I hand her the ibuprofen and a glass of water.

"No," she takes the pills and takes a swallow of water, "I don't remember anything.

Of course she doesn't remember anything. Of course she doesn't remember herself admitting that she likes me more than a friend. That's just my damn luck.

"You were really drunk," I say. "It was super bad. I thought I was going to have to actually pick you up to get you to leave the party."

She chuckles, "I've always been insane when I get super drunk." She pauses and then says. "It felt good though."

"No," I say. "The idea of forgetting Hardin is what felt good to you."

"Yea," she says. She stands up from the island chair, "But it made me forget about him for a bit, and I'm okay with that."

I smile lightly, "He's not worth it though."

"But I thought he was worth everything, but I was so wrong about that one."

"Not everything works out," I say.

"I guess not," she starts to walk to the stairs, "I am going to get ready for work now."

"I'll go for you today," I say. "You should stay here and get some rest. I know you feel like shit."

"You don't have to," she says. "I'll be fine."

"I'm not letting you change my mind," I say. "I will be back later tonight with your favorite from Mcdonalds."

I walk towards her and I bop her lightly on the nose. She smiles, "Thank you, Nicholas."

"No problem," I start to walk up the stairs very slowly, "I'll see you tonight."


"Yo, I thought Addison was coming in today," Paige says to me as I put my bag down.

"Well she had a bit too much to drink at Tommy's party last night. She's not feeling well, so I said I would cover for her."

"Damn," she says. "I was really hoping she would be here. I need to rant."

"Well Edwin should be here soon. He's kinda like a girl," I say. "He was running behind, so I left his ass."

She laughs, "Hopefully he gets here soon before I blow up."

I get the check in book out and I open it, putting it on the desk, "What are you so pressed about now?" I lean under the desk to grab the pen.

"Tommy tried to kiss me last night."

"Doesn't he have a girl?" I ask.

"Kinda," she says. "He's in a complicated thing with this girl. Her name is Brooke."

"So why are you flipping out about it?" I start to turn all the lights on and she starts to follow me as I hit every light switch.

"Because I've never had a boyfriend," she says. "And Tommy kinda has a girl. I don't want him to cheat or anything."

"Well if he never made it official with this Brooke girl then he's not cheating on her," I say.

"But it just feels so wrong."

I get back to the front desk and I start to put some of the cups out for water. I don't understand why Paige doesn't have any of this done. She was supposed to have this shit done today, but she actually has nothing done. I swear she is helpless.

"Well don't make it feel wrong. Just go for it and see what happens," I say. "Tommy obviously likes you if he tried to kiss you."

"So I need to be bold and go for it?" She asks.

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